Kirov-class battlecruiser - Wikipedia
The Kirov class, Soviet designation Project 1144 Orlan (Russian: Орлан, lit. ' sea eagle '), is a class of nuclear-powered guided-missile heavy cruisers of the Soviet Navy and Russian Navy, the largest and heaviest surface combatant warships (i.e. not an aircraft carrier or amphibious assault ship) in operation in the world.
Russian battlecruiser Kirov - Wikipedia
Kirov is the lead ship of the Kirov class of nuclear-powered guided missile cruisers. Originally built for the Soviet Navy and passed onto the succeeding Russian Navy, she and her three sister ships are the largest and heaviest surface combatant warships (i.e. not an aircraft carrier or amphibious assault ship) built by them.
基洛夫級巡洋艦 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
基洛夫級飛彈巡洋艦 (英語: Kirov class battlecruiser,俄語: Крейсера проекта 1144 «Орлан» 「海鷹」)是世界上最大的現役水面戰鬥艦艇 [註 1],也是唯一排水量超過兩萬噸及使用 核子動力 的現役 巡洋艦。 艦上裝載超過500枚飛彈,因此有「武庫艦」的稱號。 基洛夫級原本是針對美軍潛艦設計,搭載大量反潛飛彈,其後又改成核子動力航空母艦的護衛艇。 但隨著 蘇聯解體, 烏里揚諾夫斯克號航空母艦 未能完工。 最終制衡美軍 航空母艦打擊群 成為了其主要任務。
1144型巡洋舰 - 百度百科
1144型巡洋舰(俄文:Крейсера проекта 1144,英文:Project 1144 Orlan,北约代号:Kirov-class battlecruiser,译文:基洛夫级巡洋舰,苏联绰号:Орлан,译文:“海鹰”或“海雕”),是前苏联/俄罗斯海军的一型大型核动力导弹巡洋舰。
Kirov-class cruiser - Wikipedia
The Kirov-class (Project 26) cruisers were a class of six cruisers built in the late 1930s for the Soviet Navy. After the first two ships, armor protection was increased and subsequent ships are sometimes called the Maxim Gorky class.
Kirov class Battlecruisers (1977-90) - Naval Encyclopedia
2023年12月28日 · Kirov (later Admiral Ushakov), Frunze (later Admiral Lazarev), Kalinin (later Pyotr Velikiy), and Yuri Andropov (later Orlan) were designed as multi-purpose warships ranging from anti-ship and AA warfare, and provide long range strike support in amphibious landings.
KIROV heavy nuclear powered missile cruisers (project 1144) …
Kirov, the first Soviet nuclear-powered surface combatant, was sometimes called a 'battlecruiser'. She apparently employs a CONAS (combined nuclear and steam) powerplant, in which fossil-fueI boilers supply steam to turbines geared to the same shafts as the nuclear-powered turbines.
Kirov Class - Project 1144.2 - GlobalSecurity.org
Originally designed as a large antisubmarine warship to search for and engage enemy ballistic missile submarines, the Kirov's role was expanded to engage large surface targets and provide air and...
Kirov Class (Type 1144.2) (Peter the Great) - Naval Technology
2000年3月26日 · The Russian heavy missile cruise ship, Project 1144.2 Kirov Class was built by the Baltic Shipyard in Saint Petersburg. The Kirov Class provides the capability to engage large surface ships and to defend the fleet against air and submarine attack.
Russian battlecruiser Kirov | Military Wiki | Fandom
Kirov is the lead ship of the Kirov class of nuclear-powered missile cruisers. Originally built for the Soviet Navy, it was one of the biggest and most important surface combatants of the Russian Navy. It is similar in displacement to a World War I battleship.