কীর্তন Kiirtan कीर्तन - Kiirtan
The Saḿskrta word for kirtan/kiirtan in Devanagari script is कीर्तन, in Bengali script it is কীর্তন. Different systems of Roman Saḿskrta represent this long i in different ways, either ī, ii or ee.
Kirtan - Wikipedia
A Sikh Kirtan is a religious, aesthetic and social event, usually held in a congregational setting on Sundays or over certain festivals to honor the historical Gurus, but major temples in the Sikh tradition recite Kirtan every day as a mark of daily bhakti (devotional remembrance) of …
The Beginners' Guide to Kirtan and Mantra - Kripalu
India’s ancient call-and-response form of chanting has been reinvented by modern devotional artists who are blending traditional kirtan with modern music genres such as rock, R&B, hip hop, and electronica—breathing new life (and new devotion) into yoga’s sacred chants. But what, exactly, are these chants about?
What is Kirtan? A Guide to This Powerful Practice of Collective …
2024年12月17日 · Kirtan is a form of devotional music that combines chanting, singing, and music to create a deeply spiritual and uplifting experience. The word “kirtan” comes from the Sanskrit kirtanam, meaning “to praise or glorify,” reflecting its purpose of connecting participants with the divine through sound.
Kirtan - Yogawiki
Nagar Kirtan. Nagar Kirtan beginnt am Nachmittag nach 16.00 Uhr, es kann jedoch auch am Morgen durchgeführt werden. Eine Gruppe startet von einem bestimmten Platz mit Harmonium, Kartals und weiteren Musikinstrumenten. Wieder beginnt man mit Hymnen an Ganesha und den Guru, lässt das Mahamantra folgen und singt danach zum Lobe anderer ...
Mastering the Art of Kirtan: A Beginner’s Guide
2024年12月18日 · With roots in Hinduism and a rich tapestry of cultural influences, kirtan transcends mere musical expression; it is a dynamic experience that engages the body, mind, and spirit. This guide aims to introduce beginners to the art of kirtan, providing insights into its history, significance, techniques, and how one can participate effectively.
Kirtan - What is Kirtan Chanting? - Sivananda Yoga Farm
Chanting kirtan is a devotional practice that helps to uplift the mind, open the heart and bring inner peace. It is the fastest, easiest and most joyful way to achieve peace of mind. The mantras are mystical universal sounds that resonate with our chakras and remove negative energies.
Mantra Singen in Berlin Tempelhof | Yoga meets Kirtan - Hatha …
Nächster Termin für 2025 folgt! Beginn 16:00 Uhr (Yoga) | 17:30 (Kirtan) Sanftes Yoga (60 Min) und anschließend gemeinsames Mantra Singen (90 Min). Den Kirtan begleitet Munishvara und Atul mit Gitarre und Tabla. Wir freuen uns auf einen …
KIRTAN Germany | Herzliche Einladung zum Kirtan in Weimar, …
Herzliche Einladung zum Kirtan in Weimar, diesen Samstag Nachmittag
Shakti Shuttlez – Kirtan and Mantra
Nächste Kirtan Daten fürs 2025 @ Airyoga: 4. Januar (zusammen mit Punnu Wasu), 8. Februar, 1. März. Nächster Cacao, Kirtan & Conscious Dance @ Airyoga Fabrikstrasse findet am 10. Mai 2025 statt! von 4-8pm, max 35 Leute, mehr Infos und Anmeldung hier auf der Airyoga Webseite.