Korean International School – KIS | International School Hong ...
Korean International School (KIS) is a private, independent school with an enrolment of over 800 students representing more than 30 nationalities. KOREAN SECTION National Curriculum of Korea
Home – Korean International School
Korean International School (KIS) offers a British-style, academic education designed for the English-speaking community in Hong Kong. find PASSION foster VISION encourage ACTION
Fees - Korean International School
Annual Tuition Fee Starting From HK$ 93,400. If you have any questions regarding fees and payment, please get in touch with Finance Office, by phone at 2569 5500 or by email: [email protected]
Korean International School of Hong Kong - Wikipedia
The Korean International School of Hong Kong (KISHK, Korean: 홍콩한국국제학교; Chinese: 香港韓國國際學校) is an international school located in Lei King Wan, Sai Wan Ho, Hong Kong. It is located near Grand Promenade and the Tai Koo Shing area, which are home to a large number of Hong Kong's Korean families. [1]
Korean International School 韓國國際學校 - 升學天地
韓國國際學校位於香港東區西灣河鯉景道 55 號,1994 年創校,提供從幼稚園到中學的一條龍教育。 學校設有國際部及韓文部,國際部使用英式課程,以英文為主要教學語言。 Korean International School's International section was established in 1994 with the aim of providing quality English-language education to children of all nationalities.
KISHK | 홍콩한국국제학교
홍콩한국국제학교는 재외국민자녀 교육을 위해 설립한 학교로, 홍콩 사이완호 지역에 자리잡고 있다. 인성과 실력을 겸비한 국제 인재 양성이라는 비전을 열정으로 실현하고 있다.
Korean International School Hong Kong - Facebook
Korean International School Hong Kong. 3,224 likes · 152 talking about this. UK Curriculum | All Through School | IGCSE & A-Level Annual Tuition Fees...
Korean International School, Hong Kong - World Schools
Korean International School (KIS) is an international school in Hong Kong that offers a British-style, academic education designed for the English-speaking community in Hong Kong. The curriculum is based on and teaches beyond the National Curriculum for England, providing students with both a local and international perspective.
Korean International School, Hong Kong - World Schools
Korean International School (KIS) is an international school in Hong Kong that offers a British-style, academic education designed for the English-speaking community in Hong Kong.
School Calendar - Korean International School
55 Lei King Road, Sai Wan Ho, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2569 5500 Fax: (852) 2560 5699. Privacy Policy