Kish Khodro - Wikipedia
Kish Khodro is an Iranian car company established in 1995 and registered in Kish Island. It was owned by Mohammad Saffari (51%), Bank of Industry and Mine (40%) [ 1 ] and Kamran Naghdi, the Managing Director of BMS Automotives Ltd from the United Kingdom (9%) who sold the license to manufacture, designed the prototype and provided the know how ...
کیش خودرو - ویکیپدیا، دانشنامهٔ آزاد
کیش خودرو یک شرکت خودروساز ایرانی بود که در سال ۱۳۷۴ و در جزیره کیش ثبت گردید. سهام این شرکت در ابتدا دست محمد صفاری (۵۱٪)، بانک صنعت و معدن (۴۰٪) [۱] و کامران نقدی مدیر عامل کمپانی مسئولیت محدود BMS از بریتانیا (۹٪) که به فروش و مجوز برای ساخت و طراحی خودرو دست یافت.
⚜King Of The Kishcars⚜ (@kishkhodro) - Instagram
39K Followers, 778 Following, 200 Posts - 🔝⚜King Of The Kishcars⚜🔝 (@kishkhodro) on Instagram: "🌴Kish Island🌴 . 🏆(EsfandiariCompany)🏆 . Auto PARS since 1999🗓 Auto ESFANDIAR since 2013🗓 . 🔻Official instagram 🔻 @esfandiarcompany"
Kish Khodro – Wikipedia
Kish Khodro Company ist ein iranischer Hersteller von Kraftfahrzeugen. [1] Das Unternehmen wurde 1998 gegründet. [1] 51 % der Anteile befanden sich damals in privaten Händen. 40 % hielt die Bank für Industrie und Bergbau und die restlichen 9 % das britische Unternehmen BMS Management Consultants International.
IKCO - 百度百科
萨曼德是霍德罗集团拥有完全自主知识产权的汽车产品,萨曼德在波斯语里意为“野马”,该车采用了法国标致技术为原型的1.8升直列四缸DOCH发动机,最大功率为73.5千瓦,最大扭矩159牛米,发动机的排放标准达到欧Ⅲ水平。 2000年开始试产,2002年哈塔米总统参加了该车下线仪式。 该车分为SAMAND、SAMAND LX、SAMAND SARIR (加长型)等。 该车型曾在上海车展中亮相,目前霍德罗集团已确定将与浙江金华青年汽车集团合作生产。 双方的合资生产线已经确定 …
Kish Khodro - Wikicars
Kish Khodro is a car company based in Tehran, Iran. Established in 1998, 40% of the company is owned by the Iranian state bank. Their original model was the plastic-bodied Sinad I hatchback. This was followed by the differently styled Sinad II and the coupe version, the Sinad III.
Kish Khodro | Autopedia - Fandom
Template:List of Kish Khodro Models Kish Khodro is a car company based in Tehran, Iran. Established in 1998, 40% of the company is owned by the Iranian state bank. Their original model was the plastic-bodied Sinad I hatchback.
伊朗汽车零配件集团--Crouse - 懂车帝
2023年10月23日 · 目前,公司有近12,000人直接受雇,2016年9月,该公司收购了bahman group(伊朗私营汽车公司之一)的股份crouse同时也拥有seper kish投资公司的31.75%的股份,而sepehr kish又是是伊朗khodro公司10.62%股份的股东,因此,crouse制造在伊朗khodro董事会中一直存在,这个有趣的 ...
伊朗汽车零配件集团——Crouse - 百家号
2024年5月5日 · 此外,crouse还持有seper kish投资公司31.75%的股份,而sepehr kish又是伊朗khodro公司的重要股东,持有其10.62%的股份。 这一系列股权关系使得crouse在伊朗khodro的董事会中占据一席之地,展现了其在伊朗汽车行业中的深远影响。
Kish Khodro - ipfs.io
Kish Khodro was an Iranian car company established in 1995 and registered in Kish Island. It was owned by Mohammad Saffari (51%), Bank of Industry and Mine (40%) [1] and BMS (9%) who designed the first vehicle, launched in 2000. [2] Company ownership changed to 52%/41%/7% in …