Getting Krita logs — Krita Manual 5.2.0 documentation
There are three different kinds of logs that Krita can produce. Depending on the issue, you might be asked for a specific one or for all of them. This page will tell you how to gather the …
Krita | Digital Painting. Creative Freedom.
Today we're releasing Krita 5.2.9! This is a bug fix release, containing all bugfixes of our bug hunt efforts back in November. Major bug-fixes include fixes to … Great for new and experienced …
Log Viewer — Krita Manual 5.2.0 documentation
The log viewer docker allows you to see debug output without access to a terminal. This is useful when trying to get a tablet log or to figure out if Krita is spitting out errors while a certain thing …
获取 Krita 程序日志 — Krita Manual 5.2.0 文档
如果 Krita 在启动时崩溃因而无法访问上述菜单,请提供以下文件: %LOCALAPPDATA%\kritacrash.log 。 如果我们需要获取更详尽的数据,我们会邀请你按照 …
krita AI一些常见报错的成因和解决思路,最近1.17版更新集中出错 …
2024年5月5日 · 此时检查krita ai的运行日志client.log文件,打开后检查最近一次打开的日志记录。 通过查看日志文件可以发现,日志内容中报告了大量not found的模型文件,这其中绝大多数属 …
Krita Artists - Krita community forum
Let the world know what you can do with Krita. Your code is your artwork. Want to help Krita developers improve Krita. Post here to discuss the features and improvements. Gather …
Krita | 自由开源的数字绘画软件
Krita 是一款自由开源且免费的专业绘画软件,无需注册、无广告、试用期或者商用限制,助力每一位画师随心所欲地表达创意。
Download Krita 5.2.9 - Krita 官方网站
Krita is a free and open source application. You are free to study, modify, and distribute Krita under GNU GPL v3 license.
日志查看器 — Krita Manual 5.2.0 文档
日志查看器面板让你可以无需使用命令行终端即可查看调试输出信息。 在遇到数位板问题或者某个操作让 Krita 出错时,程序日志可以帮助我们确定问题的原因。 要记录程序日志,点击此面板 …
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