KIVO Kosovo - KIVO Plastic Packaging
At KIVO Kosovo, we focus on producing a wide range of high-quality packaging solutions for the European market. Our facilities in Kosovo are equipped with impressive machinery, including 1 Miraflex Flexo printing machine, 1 Coral Flexo printing machine, 8 mono extruders, 1 5-layer coextruder, 4 Hudson Sharp Wicketer bagging machines and 7 ...
KIVO Kosovo - KIVO Plastic Verpakkingen
KIVO Plastic Verpakkingen in Kosovo: moderne productielocatie voor mono- en coextrusie, flexoprint, broodzakken en afvalzakken.
KIVO Kosovo - KIVO Kunststoffverpackungen - KIVO Flexible Plastics
Bei KIVO Kosovo konzentrieren wir uns auf die Herstellung eines breiten Spektrums an hochwertigen Verpackungslösungen für den europäischen Markt. Unsere Anlagen im Kosovo sind mit einem beeindruckenden Maschinenpark ausgestattet, darunter 1 Miraflex-Flexodruckmaschine, 1 Coral-Flexodruckmaschine, 8 Monoextruder, 1 5-Schicht-Coextruder, 4 ...
KIVO Kosova - Facebook
KIVO Kosova, Kacanik Kosovo. 5,978 likes · 12 talking about this. KIVO is one of the largest, most innovative, ISO and BRC certified producers of polyethylene packaging materials in Europe
KIVO LLC - LinkedIn
Since the start of its operations in 2014, KIVO in Kosovo manufactures different products for the international plastics packaging industry, producing bread bags, garbage bags, magazine wraps,...
KIVO L.L.C. Company Profile | KACANIK, Kosovo - Dun & Bradstreet
Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for KIVO L.L.C. of KACANIK. Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet.
Kivo LLC - Tickmedia
Kivo LLC is an package manufacturer, established by foreign and domestic investors. We were hired to create a presentation video for investors and costumers. In this case we have put much more effort on getting beautiful shoots. Also we worked more on FX to get wonderful views of factory interior. Client: Kivo LLC Type: Manufacturer Location ...
Fabrika e Kaçanikut që Eksporton në Europë - kallxo.com
2018年2月19日 · Ata se bashku hapen fabrikën “KIVO” në Komunën e Kaçanikut, në vendlindjen e Ramajlit. Sot në këtë fabrikë punojnë 110 punëtorë. Ata, çdo ditë, për 24 orë, prodhojnë në fabrikën materiale fleksibile e të cilat më pas eksportohen në gjashtë vende të botës: Holandë, Belgjikë, Gjermani, Suedi, Danimarkë dhe Itali.
KIVO: JV for recycling starts up in Kosovo / First batches of rLDPE …
2019年9月23日 · Reks’ (Ferizaj / Kosovo) recycling plant in Kosovo is now in operation. The first quantities of rLDPE and rLLDPE resin were produced in July 2019, said Kivo (Volendam / The Netherlands; www.kivo.nl), which had founded Reks as a joint venture with Kivo Kosovo (Kaçanik / Kosovo) and Kras Recycling (Volendam; www.kras-recycling.com).
Locations - KIVO Plastic Packaging
KIVO Group has four strategically located sites, including recycling facilities and three production sites. Here, over 350 professionals work proudly to manufacture and recycle sustainable packaging solutions.