Kiwi Indian | Indian Motorcycle Forum
2016年2月9日 · Anyone hear of this? Kiwi Indian Motocycles News : Welcome Indian Fans! Scooter trash friend sent me the link..
1946 Indian Chief | Indian Motorcycle Forum
2024年10月14日 · I am new to vintage Indians. I am considering the purchase of a 46 chief and do not know what to look for when it comes to originality. Would appreciate someone giving their advice. Thanks in advance.
SE Owners I need help on my Kiwi Indian Build Up
2021年11月15日 · Hello All.. have always dreamed of owning a vintage Indian but was never able to pull the trigger mostly because I wanted something I could ride, vs look at. Well somehow I missed the work Kiwi was doing up until last week when one of his board track racers showed up on Facebook marketplace. The bike was originally built only for show, which Kiwi Mike confirmed. But he also said it wouldn’t ...
Replica Indians - Indian Motorcycle Forum
2017年7月3日 · I love the look of the vintage motorcycles but couldn't possibly afford an original. I wouldn't want an original anyway. I'd prefer a brand new modern replica and I've found that there are such things available but I'm sure they cost more than a production bike. Kiwi Indian Motorcycles Couldn't...
1948 Indian Chief Project - Indian Motorcycle Forum
2021年8月5日 · (36) Kiwi Indian Motorcycles Replacing kickstart stud in frame - YouTube This should get you started (pun intended).
New member with a Kiwi Indian - Indian Motorcycle Forum
2021年11月15日 · Hello All.. have always dreamed of owning a vintage Indian but was never able to pull the trigger mostly because I wanted something I could ride, vs look at. Well somehow I missed the work Kiwi was doing up until last week when one of his board track racers showed up on Facebook marketplace...
Anyone have the Kiwi-Indian gas cap medallion on their...
2017年12月27日 · I have the Kiwi covers on my CV, the ones Ihave are coloured, ( will post photos )
Are there really many old Indians needing restoration? | Indian ...
2016年5月31日 · The market is relatively small, but exists. There are already a lot of of great suppliers like Jerry Greer, Starklite and Kiwi putting out very accurate parts. Here's a pic of my 47...
741 Scout - Indian Motorcycle Forum
2019年3月20日 · Your best bet is to contact/google Kiwi Indian or Starklite Indian. Those two companies have supported the brand and kept it in the collective memory for years. Kiwi Indian Motorcycle Company - Replicas, Restorations and Parts Starklite Indian Motorcycles - Indian Motorcycle Parts & Service 1901-1953 And surf the antique Indian forums...
1948 Indian Chief Project | Page 2 | Indian Motorcycle Forum
2018年7月8日 · Something to consider is buying a modern transmission made for the bike from Starklite (TRANSMISSION, 4-SPEED OVERDRIVE Sprung Frame - Starklite Indian Motorcycles) especially if you plan on driving this bike. Also, consider an electric start from Kiwi (Electric Start) which will save your back and knees kickstarting the bike.