Kix | Wookieepedia | Fandom
Kix, originally designated CT-6116, was a relic clone medic who once served in the Grand Army of the Republic's 501st Legion under the command of Jedi General Anakin Skywalker during …
Kix - The Clone Wars
Kix, designated CT-6116, was a clone trooper medic in 501st Legion during the Clone Wars. He served as a squad medic and was placed under the command of Captain Rex and Jedi …
Clone Trooper Kix | Star Wars Databank | StarWars.com
Clone Trooper Kix Kix served as a medic in the 501st Legion of clone troopers. He is equipped with medpacs and other first aid equipment to help tend to his fellow squadmates in the thick …
KIX Service Software GmbH - GitHub
KIX is an open source service management solution with focus on technical servce. This repository contains the public available version of its frontend server. kix-service-software/kix …
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2018年9月15日 · 差額1540是怎麼來的?怎麼拆怎麼算都看不懂~"~!? 2 x 成人 sw: passenger service facilities charge(kix/int) ¥ 1,230 2 x 成人 oi: passenger security service charge(kix) ¥ …
Kix (Clone Trooper) | Clone Trooper Wiki | Fandom
Kix was specialist (a team medic), very passionate for healing wounded soldiers, he was a squad medic during the mission on Saluecami. He eventually began to become "carried-away" with …
What Happened to Kix After the Clone Wars? (Clone Trooper)
2021年8月11日 · Taking the investigation further, Kix was able to uncover the full truth behind the inhibitor chips, and discovered that they were implanted into the heads of every single Clone …
【STAR WARS】CT-6116|Kix 基克斯|出场合集 - 哔哩哔哩
此人除昂巴拉arc其他出场几乎都跟Jesse绑定,所以想看剩下的可以去隔壁解析cut(。。)基洛斯arc还有一点点出场回头补上, 视频播放量 1061、弹幕量 0、点赞数 31、投硬币枚数 9、收藏 …
Kix - SWRPGGM.com
2022年5月8日 · Kix, was a clone medic who served in the Grand Army of the Republic's 501st Legion under the command of Jedi General Anakin Skywalker during the Clone Wars.
Since Kix is alive and well during the events of the sequel ... - Reddit
2018年6月4日 · In a short story Kix was found in cryostasis by a group of pirates around the time of the sequel trilogy. He was revived and eventually joined the pirates. Due to the cryostasis …