How do you convert from #"kJ/g"# to #"kJ/mol"# - Socratic
2018年3月10日 · Use the molar mass of the compound. Your goal here is to convert kilojoules per gram, "kJ g"^(-1), to kilojoules per mole, "kJ mol"^(-1), which is equivalent to saying that you need to convert the amount of energy per unit of mass to the amount of energy per unit of mole. In order to do that, you essentially need to use a conversion factor that will take you from grams …
What is the specific heat capacity of ice, water and steam?
2015年11月25日 · 4.187 kJ/kgK, 2.108 kJ/kgK, 1.996 kJ/kgK for water, ice, and water vapor respectively. The specific heat capacity, or the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of a specific substance in a specific form one degree Celsius, for water is 4.187 kJ/kgK, for ice 2.108 kJ/kgK, and for water vapor (steam) 1.996 kJ/kgK. Check out this related Socratic question on …