Why do Brazilians use "kkkk" to indicate laughter?
It is strange for foreigners, even hispanohablantes, but the "kkkkkk" is not a random shit, it can be read as "kakakaka" and it resembles a laugh. It was very common in the brazilian newspapers back in 1900-1910 to write laughs as "kakakaka", somehow in 2000s the internet revived this kind of laugh, I don't know why.
What is the meaning of "kkkkkk"? - Question about Portuguese …
2020年1月1日 · Definition of kkkkkk Its the most used laugh in brazil,we also have: - hahahahaha -ahsuaahsuhaa -rsrsrsrs -huehuehuehue -hihihihi |the K is read "kah". so its "ka ka ka" , a laugh. the sound is hahaha, but when we say that someone is laughing we refer as ka-ka-ka, or... kkkkkkk|It means laughter, and the more "k" you put into the more intense the phrase gets. So …
what does kkkk mean in Portuguese?
2019年7月17日 · A series of Ks is the way that laughter is generally represented in Brazilian Portuguese. It is akin to hahaha or hehe or lolol etc, in English, such that the longer it is the more the laughter.
What does “kkkkkkkk” mean lol : r/Portuguese - Reddit
In some situations, saying 'k' is a shortened version of 'OK', and saying 'kk' is also a common say of saying 'OK', and even more, if someone says 'kkkkkk' it's a bit like saying okay in an irritated way, like, "Ok, I get it, stop" kind of thing.
what does “kkkkkk” mean? : r/Portuguese - Reddit
2022年11月9日 · Acho que no Brasil acabamos usando mais essa letra, e as outras adicionadas no último acordo, por causa dos sobrenomes de pessoas que vem de outras partes da Europa e do mundo, tipo o nosso ex presidente Juscelino Kubitschek, que todo mundo tem dificuldade de escrever na aula de história, tanto que ele mesmo falava para chamarem-no de JK (jóta ká).
What is the meaning of "kkkkkkk"? - Question about ... - HiNative
2019年11月20日 · Definition of kkkkkkk Jajaja. It's the most common way to laugh in Brazil.|it's when we are laughing about something idk if it's right but is like lol|Risadas|Is like "Jajajaja"|Significa "risada".|it's laugh for the internet,like "lol" or "jajajaja" we use "kkkkk"
Why do brazilians laugh like KKKKK? : r/asklatinamerica - Reddit
Saying hhhhhhhhh would be weird as it has no sound in Portuguese so someone decided to go with kkkkkk Btw, K is the voiceless version of the English H sound commonly used for laughter, so they're pretty similar No Brazilian laughs like kakakaka irl though, sorry to disappoint
Where does kkkkk come from? : r/Portuguese - Reddit
Eu rio com kkkkkk e eu nunca li isso como kakakaka, na minha cabeça a pronúncia de kkkkkk é o som da consoante k sem a companhia de vogal alguma, só ele repetidas vezes, curiosamente em coreano eles riem com o som do k sozinho também (ㅋㅋㅋ) o que pra mim faz todo o sentido já que isso soa muito mais como uma risada do que kakakaka
Why do Brazilians write “kkkkkk” to show laughter?
I never saw anyone laughing as "cá cá cá" sound, BUT I'm brazilian and I honestly don't know how "há há há" ("ja ja ja" sound in spanish) became kkkkkk. Anyway it's very practical and variable as "kk = not really laughing" and "kkkkkkkk = omg soo funny".
Brazilians, why do you laugh with "kkkkk"? - Reddit
because you sound like an asshole if you laugh with hahahaha, it's so sarcastic idk, also rsrsrs, which means risos (laughs) it's kind of stupid. some people also laugh like KSKSKSKSKS, I used to laugh like that because with my cheap ass android phone if you tapped K three times it would appear a Ķ, others just have a stroke in the keyboard and laugh like ASKDASDAKDAK which …