KL TravelPass | Unlimited Rides for 2 Days | KLIA Ekspres
KL TravelPass offers airport transfer and 2 days of unlimited rides on RapidKL buses and rail services (BRT, LRT, MRT and KL Monorail). Get all your transport tickets in one card. Buy now.
马来西亚吉隆坡旅游卡 KL TravelPass - Klook客路 - Klook Travel
KL TravelPass(地铁通行证)可用于从机场前往KL Sentral,并可额外2天无限次乘坐火车,大大减少出行时间。 如果您计划前往吉隆坡旅行并寻求最便捷的城市交通方式,那么Klook上提供的吉隆坡旅游卡(KL TravelPass)就是您的不二之选! 无论选择单程还是往返,吉隆坡国际机场快线即可轻松直达目的地只需在吉隆坡机场快线的闸机口出示您的二维码凭证,即可快速乘车30分钟左右的车程时间,体验快速舒适的出行服务. 使用吉隆坡旅游卡,可连续两天无限次乘坐 吉隆坡 …
- 评论数: 1216
Kuala Lumpur Attraction Tickets & Activities | My Kuala Lumpur Pass
Book Kuala Lumpur activity tickets and the Kuala Lumpur Sightseeing Pass online to enjoy the hassle-free tour with your family and friends. Get the Kuala Lumpur City Pass online to get the best deals and discounts on the tickets.
KL TravelPass in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - Klook - Klook Travel
With the KL TravelPass, enjoy unlimited rides on Kuala Lumpur’s LRT, MRT, and KL Monorail lines for two consecutive days. This flexibility allows you to explore the city at your own pace, hopping on and off as you please.
- 评论数: 1216
KL TravelPass - KLIA Ekspres
KL TravelPass is a smart payment card that you can use to travel on rail public transport in Kuala Lumpur. The card now includes KLIA Ekspres airport transfer (Single or Return Trips), 2-day unlimited rides on Rapid KL rail services (LRT, MRT and KL Monorail lines) and a RM5 cash value which is the minimum balance required for use on Rapid KL ...
KL TravelPass – All transport tickets in one card - klia2
The KL TravelPass card includes KLIA Ekspres airport transfer (Single or Return Trips), 2-day unlimited rides on Rapid KL rail services (LRT, MRT and KL Monorail lines) and a RM5.00 cash value which is the minimum balance required for use on Rapid KL rail services
KL TravelPass (Metro Card) Tickets 2025
If you’re visiting the magnificent city of Kuala Lumpur and looking to get around the city in the most convenient way possible, get this best transportation card in the city: the KL TravelPass! With the pass, you'll have 2-day unlimited rides on Rapid KL …
- 评论数: 2
吉隆坡旅遊卡 KL TravelPass(2日無限地鐵卡) - Trip.com
吉隆坡旅遊強力推薦交通神卡-吉隆坡旅遊卡 KL TravelPass!;擁有這張旅遊卡,連續2日無限次搭乘吉隆坡快鐵(Rapid KL),快鐵種類有輕軌(LRT)、捷運(MRT)和吉隆坡單軌列車(KL Monorail),所有車種任你搭,簡單又方便!
KL TravelPass (Metro Card) in Kuala Lumpur | Pelago
Experience a swift and comfortable ride to KL Sentral Railway Station in less than 30 minutes, facilitated by a safe and professional train service. Unlimited Train Rides on the LRT, MRT, and KL Monorail
- 评论数: 1
吉隆坡旅遊卡 KL TravelPass(地鐵卡)- 精明旅遊者的交通神卡
使用吉隆坡旅遊卡 KL TravelPass,您可以享受無限次數的地鐵和巴士乘車,輕鬆前往吉隆坡的各個熱門景點和地標。 無論是前往雙子塔、國家清真寺還是中央藝術廣場,這張交通卡都能夠讓您快速、方便地到達目的地。
- 评论数: 918