Used 2001 KLA 2139 for Sale at Tara Semiconductor Technology
The 2139 wafer inspection system offers sensitivity and productivity enhancements for IC manufacturers. It is available as an independent tool or as an upgrade to existing 2135 and 2138 tools, allowing manufacturers to extend the life of their current KLA-Tencor tools.
KLA的成长之路,看中国量测 - 与非网
目前行业标杆为KLA都2139(明场),PUMA 93系列/95系列暗场,无图形的KLA Surfacan为基准,国内常见就是SP3,SP5这种,几千万人民币一套。 基于光学的路线,又分明场和暗场两个系统。
KLA-Tencor 2135, 2138, 2138XP, & 2139 Parts For Sale - gSEMI.com
Assy Kit Video Bridge 2139: KLA-Tencor 2135/8/9 PN 740-694843-000: Assy, Right Cassette Nest, 5.2, ASMIF: KLA-Tencor 2135/8/9 PN 740-695589-000: PCB, System Tested PLLAD 4 Module: KLA-Tencor 2135/8/9 PN 750-651610-00: Leadscrew Y Axis: KLA-Tencor 2552 PN 750-654766-00: Matrox Imaging Board Set, 255x:
KLA-Tencor 2139 For Sale - gSEMI.com
KLA 2139 _____ - Patterned Wafer Defect Inspection Tool (UBB) - Throughput ~ 15-30 wph - Currently set up for 8" wafers - 4", 5" & 6" wafer capable - Sensitivity >0.16µm pixels - WinNT - 8" DSW calibration wafer included - Power Line Conditioner Included - Available Operational-Calibrated or Refurbished - Installation Service Availabl e
KLA T ENCOR KLA 2139 KLA TENCOR 2139 MANUFACTURER MODEL INSPECTION 2000-200mm. Appendix 1. Ultra-broad band XE light source with improved optics 6. Improved review optics(new camera and movable 200mm lens) 2. Segmented Auto Threshold(SAT)-Special auto threshold feature to significantly improve
KLA / TENCOR 2139 晶圆检测仪 用于销售价格 #44343, 1996 > 从 …
kla/tencor 2139是一种高性能的掩模和晶圆检测设备,旨在提供可靠的、高分辨率的成像和分析以及一系列光学技术以及自动对准和计量模型。 它配备了IPDMS、自动缺陷审查和用于精确模式提取和分析的高分辨率CCD。
Used KLA / TENCOR 2139 #9249043 for sale - caeonline.com
KLA / TENCOR 2139 is a powerful and intelligent solution providing high throughput and accuracy for automated mask and wafer inspection in the semiconductor and electronics industry. It combines advanced imaging, wafer shape recognition, image segmentation, and image correlation, as well as fast fourier transform (FFT) and pixel averaging to ...
晶圆级缺陷检测分析系统(2017)KLA-TENCOR 2139 - 典型用户 - 仪 …
中国科学院微电子研究所. 北京市 高校. 中国科学院微电子研究所拥有电路在片测试系统d)、高性能示波器、pecvd非晶硅淀积设备 (8寸)(j)、涂胶显影机(8寸)( j)、取样示波器(九室)、傅立叶红外光谱仪(h)、光学光刻机(c)、高频大宽带矢量信号发生系统、引线键合机(九室)、 …
KLA / TENCOR 2139 晶圆检测仪 用于销售价格 #181915 > 从 CAE
kla/tencor 2139是一种用于检查光掩模、标线和晶片的掩模和晶片检查设备。 它旨在快速检测半导体制造过程中出现的缺陷和缺陷,为组装商提供了提高工艺质量的强大工具。
虹鳴科技股份有限公司 - Omni-Semitech
1.1 Purpose: Patterned Wafer Inspection System, to monitor Patterned wafers particles and defects for yield manager.