Clan Fett | Wookieepedia | Fandom
Clan Fett was an ancient Mandalorian clan that could trace its lineage back as far as the Mandalorian Wars. Drawing its name from the Basic transliteration of the word vhett, the …
Clan Fett - Mandalorian Wikia
Clan Fett was a Mandalorian Clan that consisted of some of the most infamous members of the Mandalorian culture to exist. Members of the clan were known for their tactical superiority and …
Fetts - Wookieepedia | Fandom
The Fetts were a family consisting of the bounty hunters Jango Fett and Boba Fett. Jango's homeworld was the Mandalorian planet Concord Dawn. Raised by a mentor during his time as …
Mandalorians - Wikipedia
Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones (2002) introduces the bounty hunter Jango Fett, who also wore Mandalorian armor, and was the adoptive father of Boba, a clone of Jango. More …
Clan Fett - Star Wars Guide - IGN
2015年5月11日 · Clan Fett was an ancient Mandalorian clan that could trace its lineage back as far as the Mandalorian Wars. Jango was recruited by Count Dooku as the progenitor for a …
All 42 Mandalorian Clans Names and Their Histories
2024年7月9日 · Throughout history, members of Clan Fett varied from simple farmers to formidable Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders, and included many mercenaries and bounty hunters. …
Khomo Fett | Wookieepedia | Fandom
Khomo Fett was a Human Mandalorian in the time of the Galactic War. He served as an advisor to Mandalore the Avenger during their campaign on Darvannis. Quick to anger and even …
Boba Fett | Gwiezdne Wojny Wiki | Fandom
Boba Fett — ludzki łowca nagród, genetyczny klon niesławnego Jango Fetta. Boba został stworzony przez klonerów z Kamino, oraz tam wychowany i był fizycznie podobny do żołnierzy …
Jango Fett – Wikipédia
Fett nagy díjazásban részesült, de volt egy kérése: egy olyan klón, akit a fiaként nevelhet. Ez lett Boba Fett , aki később a Galaxis egyik leghírhedtebb fejvadászává vált. Közben Jango …
Boba Fett – Biblioteka Ossus
Boba Fett znany na początku na Kamino jako Alpha był niezmodyfikowanym klonem, przybranym synem Jango Fetta i prawdopodobnie najlepszym łowcą nagród w galaktyce. Osierocony w …