Kled, The Cantankerous Cavalier - Reddit
r/KledMains: A subreddit dedicated to all the mains of the League of Legends champion named Kled!
I wanna main kled any tips? : r/KledMains - Reddit
2022年8月27日 · Kled's remount works something like this: To remount, you need to get 100 courage. Autoattacks on champions give 15, champions you've hit in the last 3 seconds give …
Kled Counters tierlist : r/KledMains - Reddit
2023年5月8日 · Not that easy, her kit is pretty much designed to deal with opponent like Kled. The only way she could lose is she somehow let you hit your Q and let you use your full W and …
Renekton vs Kled matchup : r/RenektonMains - Reddit
2016年9月30日 · The biggest advantage Renekton has over Kled is Kleds ult. Now I may sound crazy, but just hear me out. Kleds ultimate is not cancelable, and you need to preselect your …
How to play Kled? : r/KledMains - Reddit
2020年11月15日 · However becareful this makes your Q harder to hit), bonus points if you have W up. Playing around your W is another important part of kled, Kled with W up is very strong. …
My tier list of kled matchups. : r/KledMains - Reddit
2022年3月21日 · Kled counters Aatrox the hardest with the GW on his Q and the stickiness of E makes it hard for Aatrox to land sweetspot Qs. Yorick can't easily trap you with ghouls …
How TF do you beat kled? : r/KledMains - Reddit
2021年7月15日 · Kled is really weak early so try to get really aggressive on level 2/3 especially if you're playing someone like Kayle. If Kled hits you with his Q, don't try to move out of his …
A quick list of Kled tips for anybody first learning him.
2021年6月1日 · The best tip for new Kled players: how to quickly remount Wait for W to be off CD, EQ on the enemy and let him dismount you, quickly auto 4 times + Q shot in their face + 1 last …
How to beat Kled? : r/KledMains - Reddit
18 votes, 23 comments. true. You need to play champs that either have a really good early game and just out damage kled (darius) or champs that scale well (fiora, jax, camille etc.) and in …
How do I lane against Kled? : r/KSanteMains - Reddit
2023年1月1日 · Never played the lane, but I do play kled so can give you some general tips. Generally kled wants to trade with you with his full combo: E-->Q into W procs. All his damage …