Victor Klimov - Los Alamos National Laboratory
2018年10月5日 · Dr. Klimov is an expert in photophysics of nanocrystal quantum dots. The quantum dot program built by him at LANL has been highly productive and influential, and defined many scientific directions presently pursued by the nanoscience community.
Victor I. Klimov - Google Scholar
VI Klimov, DW McBranch, CA Leatherdale, MG Bawendi. Physical Review B 60 (19), 13740, 1999. 835: 1999: Controlling the influence of Auger recombination on the performance of quantum-dot light-emitting diodes.
Klimov - Wikipedia
Originally established as Kirill Klimov Experimental Design Bureau in Saint-Petersburg under the direction of Vladimir Yakovlevich Klimov (Влади́мир Я́ковлевич Кли́мов) (1892–1962), Klimov designed engines for Soviet aircraft based on Renault aircraft engine designs. [3]
Elem Klimov - Wikipedia
Elem Germanovich Klimov (Russian: Элем Германович Климов; 9 July 1933 – 26 October 2003) was a Soviet and Russian filmmaker. He studied at the Gerasimov Institute of Cinematograph, and was married to film director Larisa Shepitko.
美国洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室Victor I. Klimov教授访问北京理工大学
2017年9月27日 · Klimov教授是量子点光学物理领域的顶级科学家,他开创了量子点的诸多基础研究方向和应用领域,包括激光器、太阳能电池、显示器件和聚光器。 Klimov教授发表论文500余篇,其中Science,Nature 和Nature 子刊20余篇,总引用次数达3万余次。
Victor I. Klimov's research works | Los Alamos National Laboratory…
Victor I. Klimov's 334 research works with 34,963 citations and 20,624 reads, including: Two‐color Amplified Spontaneous Emission from Liquid Suspensions of Engineered Quantum Dots with ...
《Nature Materials:Klimov团队载流子倍增新突破》 - las
2023年11月12日 · 2023年7月13日,美国洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室的Klimov团队在Nature Materials上发表了新的研究论文,在Mn2+掺杂的PbSe@CdSe核壳结构量子点中,利用Mn2+作为自旋交换中间体,成功获得了高效的载流子倍增效应。
Victor Klimov (0000-0003-1158-3179) - ORCID
Victor I. Klimov is a Fellow of Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Director of the Center for Advanced Solar Photophysics (CASP), and leader of Nanotechnology and Advanced Spectroscopy team in the Chemistry Division of LANL.
克里莫夫 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
M-120 ( 英语 : Klimov M-120 ) – 原型直列 18 缸,具有倒 Y 配置的三个 M-103A 缸体;因发动机故障而取消 第二次世界大战期间,型号名从开头的 M(发动机)更改为 VK(首席设计师的姓名首字母)
Victor I. Klimov's Lab - ResearchGate
Principal Investigator: Victor I. Klimov | The Klimov group at LANL focuses on spectroscopy and device integration of advanced nanomaterials for energy conversion, novel light sources and...
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