约 2 个结果

How get different column from different table in single row
2011年1月24日 · Select Reqid,Name,Status,E.ProPNa me from ReqMaster R join ProjMaster P on R.Id=P.id join Systext S on S.sid=P.sid join ExtDef D on S.ExtId=E.ExtID this returns multiple rows for sing req id with different value for property like Reqid Name Status ProppName 1 hhhh jjj klkkj 1 hhhh jjj kjgfff 1 hhhh jjj nnnnnn but i want the result as Reqid Name ...
Select different columns into single row - Experts Exchange
2011年1月21日 · I don't know about your query, but if you JOIN the table like this, you can get the required output. select A.id,A.name,B.Property1,C.Property2,D.Property3 from A join B on A.reference_column = B.reference_column join C on B.reference_column = C.reference_column join D on C.reference_column = D.reference_column