KM-3D.COM | 3ds Max Tools
KM-3D is a Poland - based company created with passion by Kamil Małagowski - a professional programmer and enthusiastic 3d technical artist. We issue VAT invoices on request.
KM3-230213A - full page - KM3NeT
On 13 February 2023, KM3NeT/ARCA, operating with 21 detection units comprising 378 optical modules (DOMs), recorded a neutrino event unlike any other: named KM3-230213A, it represents the most energetic neutrino ever detected in the world! …
Smooth Boolean 2.1 (with Smooth Bridge) | KM-3D.COM
SmoothBoolean is a 3ds Max plugin for creating smooth transitions between ProBoolean meshes. No need to spend hours on cleaning messy topologies created with boolean cuts anymore.
KM3 (豆瓣)
The book explores three different strategies each in Rotterdam and Amsterdam on their spatial and technical capacity for creating a "3D city," one of cantilevers and underground connections, airiness and, most of all, diverse spaces.
KM3 – Actar Publishers
KM3 is a story about a world that is getting dense. Very dense. It constructs its logical response: a city that is denser. A city that is continuously under construction, with space for limitless capacities, populations. Beyond scarcity. Beyond separation. Beyond pessimism and protectionism. The 3D City. A free-fall in endless space.
KM3 is a story about a world that is getting dense. Very dense. It constructs its logical response: a city that is denser. A city that is continuously under construction, with space for limitless capacities, populations. Beyond scarcity. Beyond separation. Beyond pessimism and protectionism. The 3D City. A free-fall in endless space.
- 4.6/5(14)
高密集度理想——MVRDV的三维城市理论KM3 - 百度学术
摘要: 随着人口的不断增长,城市生活的复杂性不断加深,城市空间短缺的矛盾日益突出.如何面对这一普遍存在的问题已经成为设计者研究的重点课题之一.荷兰建筑师小组mvrdv从城市规划与城市设计的角度为这一矛盾的解决提供了一个可能的方法,即以数据景观为研究方法的三维城市模型km3.km3是一个 ...
Download | K-3D
K-3D is free-as-in-freedom 3D modeling and animation software. It combines flexible plugins with a visualization pipeline architecture, making K-3D a versatile and powerful tool for artists. K-3D's interface uses your platform's look-and-feel, and it's consistent with …
Rodin - 免费 AI 3D 模型生成器,从图像轻松创建 3D 模型 | Hyper3D
只需数秒即可利用AI创建令人惊艳的3D模型。 无论是基于文本还是图像,都能轻松生成3D模型,助力您快速变革创意流程。
"km3" 3D Models to Print - yeggi
11 "km3" 3D Models. Every Day new 3D Models from all over the World. Click to find the best Results for km3 Models for your 3D Printer.