KML Documentation Introduction - Google Developers
2023年11月3日 · If you're new to KML, begin by browsing the KML Tutorial, which presents short samples of KML code that you can view in Google Earth.. The KML Reference provides detailed syntax for all KML elements, with explanations and diagrams of how to specify them.. The Developer's Guide contains in-depth conceptual material and examples.. Creating and Sharing …
KML Tutorial | Keyhole Markup Language | Google for Developers
2023年11月3日 · Tip: To see the KML "code" for a feature in Google Earth, you can simply right-click the feature in the 3D Viewer of Google Earth and select Copy. Then Paste the contents of the clipboard into any text editor. The visual feature displayed in Google Earth is converted into its KML text equivalent.
KML Reference | Keyhole Markup Language - Google Developers
2023年11月3日 · <gx:altitudeMode>clampToGround</gx:altitudeMode> <!-- gx:altitudeModeEnum: relativeToSeaFloor, clampToSeaFloor, relativeToGround, clampToGround, absolute--> Description. Can be used instead of the OGC KML standard <altitudeMode> element, and accepts the following values in addition to the standard altitudeMode values:. …
Developer's Guide | Keyhole Markup Language | Google for …
2023年11月3日 · This section includes pages with additional information on key KML elements and how to use them. KMZ Files Updated Learn how to package up (and compress) your KML file and all its related images, overlays, icons, and sound files into one tidy unit that can be posted or emailed as a single entity.
KML FAQ | Keyhole Markup Language | Google for Developers
2024年7月25日 · Getting Started; What is KML? Who uses KML? How do I create KML files? How do I open a KMZ file? How do I create KML for astronomy data? Which KML Tags are supported by Google Earth?
Keyhole Markup Language | Google for Developers
KML is a file format used to display geographic data in an Earth browser such as Google Earth. You can create KML files to pinpoint locations, add image overlays, and expose rich data in new ways.
KML Articles | Keyhole Markup Language | Google for Developers
Complex Styling for LineStrings with DrawOrder New!. An introduction to new styling capabilities in Google Earth 6.0. Converting GIS Vector Data to KML
How to Begin | Keyhole Markup Language | Google for Developers
2023年11月3日 · If you're new to KML, begin by browsing the KML Tutorial, which presents short samples of KML code that you can view in Google Earth and Google Maps.. The KML 2.1 Reference provides detailed syntax for all KML elements, with explanations and diagrams of how to specify them. For a sneak peek at our future plans, check out the Beta version of the KML …
KML 2.1 Tutorial | Keyhole Markup Language - Google Developers
2023年11月3日 · Highlights of KML 2.1. Regions-Regions provide culling and level-of-detail behavior that allow you to fine-tune how your data is presented in Google Earth. When used with NetworkLinks, Regions enable streaming of very large datasets, with "smart" loading of data at multiple levels of resolution (see the section on Super-Overlays).You can also simulate Google …
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KML Samples 1 Unleash your creativity with the help of these examples! Placemarks These are just some of the different kinds of placemarks with which you can mark your favorite places-122.0839597145766 37.42222904525232 0-148.4122922628044 40.5575073395506 500.6566641072245 Simple placemark Attached to the ground. Intelligently places itself at the …