造船史回顾:帝国的突袭尖兵——二战德国Z级驱逐舰(一) - 哔 …
德意志级格拉芙斯佩号(KMS Graf Spee)正穿过德国基尔的铁路大桥,该桥是著名的德国战舰打卡地点 而在驱逐舰这里,德国人受到的限制来自凡尔赛条约里规定的800吨的排水量。
German destroyer Z37 - Wikiwand
Z37 was a Type 1936A (Mob) destroyer built for the Kriegsmarine during World War II. Completed in 1942, the ship spent most of her brief career deployed in France. She participated in the …
编号12:二战德国海军(Kriegsmarine)的主要舰艇介绍06:驱逐 …
上图说明:这里我们看到的是z37号(图1和图2),这是德国最后建造的驱逐舰之一,在最初设计中,有明显的剪式舰首和大型双150毫米炮塔。 注意在舰首和前部炮塔的后面有一门20毫米高 …
科普一下德军Z级驱逐舰 - 百度贴吧
Z级驱逐舰是第二次世界大战纳粹德国海军的驱逐舰总称,分辨方式以年份作为区别,1939年战争爆发时有三种类型共21艘服役,在开战后直到战争结束又有三种构型共19艘完工。 俗称Z级 …
任劳任怨的“Z字军”——德国舰队驱逐舰发展简史(下) - 哔哩哔哩
《伦敦海军条约》规定驱逐舰的最大吨位为1850吨,但是大于1500吨的驱逐舰的吨位总和只能占所有驱逐舰的总吨位的16%。 而尽管德国人已经将他们超过2200吨的1934型和1936型描述 …
1936A type destroyers (1939) - Naval Encyclopedia
2024年9月20日 · Z37 was ordered from Oderwerke Stettin as a Type 1938B on 26 June 1939, but after cancellation at G627 Germaniawerft as a Type 1936A (Mob) on 19 September 1939, laid …
Destroyer Z37 | World War II Database - ww2db.com
In late December,1943, Z37 (Korvettenkapitän Langheld) was damaged in the three-hour Battle of the Bay of Biscay where eleven German destroyers and torpedo boats were defeated by the …
Z37 Destroyer - Wehrmacht History
The destroyer Z37 is damaged in a collision with Z32. The destroyer Z37 is towed into Bordeaux and scuttled. Position 44° 50N 00° 34W. The destroyer Z37 is broken up, and scrapped. …
German World War II destroyers - Wikipedia
At the outbreak of the Second World War Nazi Germany 's Kriegsmarine had 21 destroyers (German: Zerstörer) in service, while another one was just being completed. [1] .
Type 1936A destroyer - Wikipedia
The Type 1936A destroyers, also known as the Z23 class, were a group of fifteen destroyers built for the Nazi Germany 's Kriegsmarine from 1938 to 1943. They were known to the Allies as …