knitr - function that works both in \\Sexpr and in code-chunks
2022年5月21日 · I try to learn knitr. knitr lets you nest snippets of "inline-code" written in the language R between \Sexpr{...}. knitr lets you nest "code-chunks" written in the language R between << >>= [chunk of R-code goes here] @ . knitr does pre-process the input-file. Hereby all snippets of inline-code and all code-chunks are processed by the language R.
Knitr and rmarkdown will not add figure captions to the output
2014年9月19日 · Otherwise, the pdf document is created without any problems, it just misses the captions. I have read in the knitr manual and in many other questions about the topic that the chunk option fig.cap will add the figure environment. I tried to add the fig.env=TRUE option, as well, but the results are the same.
knitr - How to include LaTeX package in R Markdown? - TeX
I am writing a report with Rmd in RStudio via knitr package. I want to write a indicator variable symbol in the report, like How do you get \mathbb{1} to work (characteristic function of a set)?. The line \usepackage{bbm} should be included according to the answer. I tried first $$ \usepackage{bbm} y_{ij} = b_{ij} + \beta_{0} + \beta_{1} $$
knitr - How can I nest a code chunk within an enumerate …
2014年11月1日 · Notice how the final product is a monstrous TeX-knitr hybrid. It interpreted the R markdown, but printed everything in LaTeX. Notice how the triple quotes were converted to double quotes + single quote. Removing results="asis" just makes things a bit worse, because then the answer also gets those quotes.
r - knitr and biblatex - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange
2012年9月13日 · It is actually really easy to produce a PDF with knitr with LaTeX-code in RStudio with biblatex for citations. You have to use the option bib_engine = "biber" from the package tinytex::latexmk within knitr::knit2pdf. Just like here: knitr::knit2pdf(file.Rnw, bib_engine = "biber")
Building TeX file from knitr Rnw as child of larger parent TeX file to ...
Here's my specific problem: Right now I'm using knitr to create .TeX files with R objects and output. I'm open to using other options (e.g., sweave) if they'll work better for what I'm trying to do. I have some .TeX files without R objects from a dissertation template that I want to combine with .Rnw (or other) files with R objects.
knitr - knit() doesn't create .tex file with necessary preamble - TeX ...
In short, this is needed so that knitr knows where to put its default preamble for a .tex file. To quote from Yihui's website for knitr : header.begin : the pattern to find out where the document header begins; this is used to insert some header information into the output document (e.g. commands in the preamble in LaTeX, or CSS styles in HTML)
knitr - Texstudio and Rnw Files - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange
Building TeX file from knitr Rnw as child of larger parent TeX file to use R objects and output 2 Sublime Latexing and Knitr on .RNW files : Send lines to R console for evaluation
formatting - knitr - double spacing in an html document - TeX
2015年9月7日 · If my knitr output was a pdf, then I can begin my document as follows to have the text double spaced: title: My Title author: "My Name" date: "Today's Date" header-includes: - \usepackage{setspace} - \doublespacing output: pdf_document However, if I change the output to html_document, the text remains single spaced. Is there a way to get it to ...
knitr - display \Sexpr{} in Latex without evaluation - TeX - LaTeX ...
2014年4月10日 · I am working on a tutorial for the knitr package using the beamer class. I was able to display latex code and knitr chunks inside my presentation without evaluation but I additionally want to add inline code, namely \Sexpr{} without evaluation.