Ak 5突擊步槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Ak 5 (Automatkarbin 5)是 瑞典 以 FN FNC 改進而成的 5.56×45毫米 突擊步槍,亦是瑞典軍隊的制式步槍。 Ak 5取代了原本的 Ak 4 (HK G3 的瑞典版本),亦衍生出一個槍族。 Ak 5與 FN FNC 的內部設計相同,兩者均採用30發M16標準彈匣(又稱 STANAG彈匣),可半自動及全自動射擊,所有衍生型皆可裝上 M203榴彈發射器。 Ak 5和FNC的導氣系統是基於 AK 改進而成,但比AK更為先進。 7.62×51毫米口徑的 Ak 4 存在着重量大、體積大及後座力大等的缺點,瑞典 …
Ak5 突击步枪 - 枪炮世界
Ak5是基础型,瑞典军队的制式步枪, 采用机械瞄准具,准星为柱形,带有护圈,表尺为翻转式觇孔照门 , 表尺分划为 250 m和400m 早期型配机械瞄准具,换上 FFV的上机匣后装配上低倍率光学瞄准镜(与提把一体 )。
Ak 5突擊步槍 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
Ak 5 (Automatkarbin 5)是 瑞典 以 FN FNC 改進而成的 5.56×45公釐 突擊步槍,亦是瑞典軍隊的制式步槍。 Ak 5取代了原本的 Ak 4 (HK G3 的瑞典版本),亦衍生出一個槍族。 Ak 5與 FN FNC 的內部設計相同,兩者均採用30發M16標準彈匣(又稱 STANAG彈匣),可半自動及全自動射擊,所有衍生型皆可裝上 M203榴彈發射器。 Ak 5和FNC的導氣系統是基於 AK 改進而成,但比AK更為先進。 7.62×51公釐口徑的 Ak 4 存在著重量大、體積大及後座力大等的缺點,瑞典 …
Automatkarbin 5 - Wikipedia
The Ak 5 (Swedish: Automatkarbin 5 ⓘ, English: Automatic Carbine 5) is a license-built Swedish version of the Belgian FN FNC assault rifle, with certain modifications, mostly to adapt the weapon to the partially subarctic Swedish climate.
AK5型突击步枪 - 百度百科
70年代中期, 瑞典 军队就开始寻求小口径轻型步枪,以取代现装的AK4式7.62mm步枪。 经过对已有的大部分5.56mm步枪的可靠性, 耐用性 .精度、维护性和其他 性能试验 以后,最终只保留了两种步枪进行试验,即瑞典的FFV 军械 公司研制的FFV890C式5.56mm 突击步枪 和 比利时 的 FN FNC5.56mm自 动步枪。 1979—1980年期间又对这两种步枪进行了部队试验和 技术试验,结果淘汰了FFV890C式步枪,选中了FN FNC步枪,因为考虑到后者的性能可以提高。 随后对FN …
Ak 5 - FirearmCentral Wiki | Fandom
The Automatkarbin 5, commonly abbreviated to simply Ak 5, is a Swedish assault rifle originating in the early 1980s, as a development upon the FN Herstal FNC.
Ak-5 - deagel.com
Ak5 is a 5.56x45 NATO standard assault rifle capable of rates of fire of 650 rounds per minute. The rifle magazine has a capacity for 30 rounds. The weapon has been specifically designed to withstand winter/arctic conditions. In addition, the Ak5 can be fitted with telescopic sight and grenade launcher.
Ak 5D | FirearmCentral Wiki | Fandom
Standard assault rifle model developed from the FN FNC, adopted in 1986. Model configured for long-range purposes, manufactured with SUSAT optical device. Updated model which replaced the original Ak 5 in 2006, featuring picatinny rails. ..? Model shortened to the length of an assault carbine. Received updated furniture alongside the Ak 5C in 2006.
AK5 - Weapon Library - AR15.COM
The Ak 5 (sometimes AK5) is the Swedish version of the FN FNC assault rifle with certain modifications, mostly to adapt the weapon to the Swedish climate. The Ak 5 is the standard weapon of the Swedish Army.
POTD: Ak5C at Swedish Army Land Warfare Center
2020年11月12日 · Photo Of The Day – Today we get a closer look at the Swedish Ak5C (Ak for Automatkarbin), which is the current standard issue rifle for the Swedish military. The Ak5 was developed in the 80s from the FN FNC. Between 2004 and 2009, the Ak5 received several upgrades like a shorter barrel, adjustable stock, Picatinny rail and Aimpoint red dot.
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