Product iQ | UL Solutions
A free Product iQ account helps users verify UL certification of products and components, locate UL Solutions guide information and search for alternative certified products.
Finding UL Listed and Certified Fire-Rated Products with UL …
UL Product iQ® Database, is an online search engine platform that helps users find UL Listed and UL Certified products, components and materials. The search function supports keyword searches by file number, product type, category control number (CCN), fire-resistive design or assembly number, and model number.
Product Sourcing and Certifications Database | UL Solutions
2019年1月17日 · Engineers, product developers and other professionals can use Product iQ® to verify UL certification of products and components, locate UL guide information and search for alternative products they can trust.
Certifications - UL Solutions Code Authorities
This page contains links to U.S. and Canadian databases and search tools as well as instructions and information relevant to UL Marks. A comprehensive database that includes manufacturers’ certifications and important product category information. Sign up …
產品搜尋與認證線上資料庫 | UL Solutions Taiwan
Product iQ 是 UL Solutions 登載獲證產品資料的線上資料庫,其結合了備受全球信任的 UL 安全認證資訊與現代化搜尋引擎所具有的直覺設計和功能,可供使用者快速查找 UL 認證資訊。
Code Authority FAQ's | UL Solutions Code Authorities
UL Codes & Regulatory Services experts are available to provide code authorities with answers about the applications for which products are certified. Leave a message or send an email and we will respond promptly.
Mengenal Kode dan Sertifikasi perangkat elektronik
2016年6月16日 · Yang paling umum dijumpai adalah kode UL (Underwriters Laboratories). Nah arti dari kode UL sendiri adalah merujuk pada sertifikasi tentang keselamatan, pengujian, validasi, inspeksi, terkait produk atau komponen yang berhubungan dengan listrik.
UL iQ™
UL iQ™ brings you databases that help you find products that meet your needs with quick, intuitive searches. Please select one of the following databases:
UL Marks for Code Authorities
UL is a global leader in testing, inspection, certification, auditing and validation. The UL Mark is the single most accepted Certification Mark in the United States, appearing on 22 billion products annually. Explore more about our Certification Marks below.
UL认证是什么,UL列名详细说明 - 百家号
2024年7月2日 · 自1894年成立,UL 迄今发布了将近 1,800 部安全、质量和可持续性标准,其中 70% 以上成为美国国家标准,并且 UL 也是加拿大国家标准的开发机构。 认证意义. UL认证标志对企业的意义: 1、整个美国市场都十分注重产品安全;消费者及购买单位选购产品时,都会选择有UL认证标志的产品。 2、UL历史有100多年,安全之形象在消费者及政府都根深蒂固,如果您不直接售卖产品给消费者,中间商人也会要求产品有UL认证标志,以令产品畅销。 3、美国消费者 …