Do koi fish develop shoulder humps as they grow?
2018年4月28日 · There are meter long koi without humps. The shoulder hump can be modest, or in some instances extreme to the point of making the fish look disfigured. Judges debate just how much of a hump is fully acceptable and when it reaches the point of being a negative. Humps are a result of feeding enough for the fish to have fat to store.
Koi Hump - good or bad? - Koiphen.com
2013年4月3日 · I remember reading something Dick Denbow said about humps. With tosai selection no hump typicall results in a thin and small koi. A hump is a sign of potential growth in the koi. Too large of a hump at a young age however it will result in a large football shaped koi. I wouldn't worry about that hump.
"Humps" - Koi-Bito Online Koi Forum
2011年11月5日 · I would like to see what is everyone's opinion on shoulder humps on koi. I have seen it written and have heard judges talk about how it is an indicator of large bone structure and future growth. I have also seen opinions that they don't like the humps and that it …
Shoulder Humps - Koi Forum
2018年9月3日 · Although a hump is bone structure on some fish, it is not always obvious. Can you put up pictures of what you’re talking about - your preferred type of koi? I’m afraid I know …
The hump - koiphen.com
2007年9月5日 · I know this sounds like a question but... my koi are starting to get humps on the shoulder area. What does this mean? Does this mean they have gotten as much length as they cann and are just bulking up? Or this is natural because of age and or size? I …
Koi Hump/Girth question - koiphen.com
2011年11月17日 · I've noticed on a lot of koi where the body meets the head, there is a "hump".. I've noticed that it's mostly prominent on large koi, but I have seen quite a decent amount of smaller fish with it as well. But... none of my koi have this... why?! Is it all just genetics, or can this be achieved another way without harming the koi?
Are there ways to predict if a koi fish will develop a shoulder hump?
2018年5月13日 · There certainly are ways to tell how they will look like when matured, and it has something to do with the shape of its head and gill plate? Keep it simple. If a well-grown two year koi recently out of the mud does not have too much of a hump according to your personal aesthetic standard, chances are high it never will.
Hump head koi male guppy. - The Planted Tank Forum
2020年5月19日 · Is a special gene called king koi guppy. Even female too developed hump head . Some call them lionhead, king koi or bumper head. Bump: Does that cover the eyes? Is it effectively blind? Do you know what the actual name for this form is? I didn't find anything that looked like it when I searched for humphead. The eyes pink in color.
A kois head shape..........genetics or something else
2007年6月5日 · The shape of the head - the hump is really the shoulder, not the head - can tell you the derivation in some fish. Matsunosuke has the chubby cheeks, Dainichi has a smoother and rounded head, as two examples. But, the genetics in …
How to predict if a koi will grow a shoulder hump or not? [Archive ...
I personally dislike koi fish with shoulder humps, and I would want to be able to know whether or not a certain fish will grow a shoulder hump or not. In the future when I choose koi fish, then I would know.