KOJI's eyelash curlers boast a history of over 50 years. With low prices and high quality, this eye makeup series is perfect for daily use. KOJI 3D eyelash technology helps to blend with your …
Eyelash curler|KOJI-HONPO - コージー本舗
KOJI's eyelash curlers boast a history of over 50 years. Cover factory. With a strong focus on functionality, this base makeup series works wonders on various skin issues. KOJI 3DEYES. …
Eye Talk|KOJI-HONPO - コージー本舗
KOJI's eyelash curlers boast a history of over 50 years. Cover factory. With a strong focus on functionality, this base makeup series works wonders on various skin issues. KOJI 3DEYES. …
Dolly Wink - Produced by Tsubasa Masuwaka - コージー本舗
KOJI-HONPO as for False eyelashes and Double eyelid. ONLINE SHOP. Tsubasa Masuwaka. After establishing herself as a highly respected and charismatic "reader model" (a person …
Company Profile|KOJI-HONPO - コージー本舗
Koji Kobayashi started a business manufacturing headdresses and hair ornaments. 1946: Company name changed to Kobayashi Koji Kesho-ryo Honpo. *"Kesho-ryo" means …
DollyWink Long & volumeⅢ Brown - KOJI-HONPO
KOJI's eyelash curlers boast a history of over 50 years. Cover factory With a strong focus on functionality, this base makeup series works wonders on various skin issues.
KOJI's eyelash curlers boast a history of over 50 years. Cover factory. With a strong focus on functionality, this base makeup series works wonders on various skin issues. KOJI 3DEYES. …
nailist nail rub paper|KOJI-HONPO
Beauty tool series, functional and safe, made in Japan. Portable sheet. Convenient portable product series. Other product
KOJI's eyelash curlers boast a history of over 50 years. Cover factory. With a strong focus on functionality, this base makeup series works wonders on various skin issues. KOJI 3DEYES. …
False eyelashes|蔻吉本舗
KOJI睫毛夹已有超过50年的历史. Cover factory. 能解决肌肤烦恼、重视功能性的底妆系列. KOJI 3DEYES. 可根据眼睛的形状选择不同款式!「3D编织法」睫毛系列打造有立体感的自然妆容. …