Kotlin for Forge - Minecraft Mods - CurseForge
Used to make mods with the Kotlin programming language. Works by shading the Kotlin libraries, providing KotlinLanguageProvider to load @Mod object declarations, providing AutoKotlinEventBusSubscriber to load @EventBusSubscriber declarations, and providing useful utility functions and constants.
Fabric Language Kotlin - Minecraft Mod - Modrinth
This is a mod that enables usage of the Kotlin programming language for Fabric mods.
Fabric Language Kotlin - Minecraft Mods - CurseForge
This is a mod that enables usage of the Kotlin programming language for Fabric mods. This mod works independently of the version of Minecraft used, as it only depends on Fabric Loader being available.
[KFF]Kotlin for Forge - MC百科|最大的Minecraft中文MOD百科
此模组为 Minecraft Forge 和 NeoForge 添加了 Kotlin 语言支持,可作为模组前置使用。 模组 [KFF]Kotlin for Forge的介绍页,我的世界MOD百科,提供Minecraft (我的世界)MOD (模组)物品资料介绍教程攻略和MOD下载。
Kotlin for Forge - Minecraft Mod - Modrinth
Used to make mods with the Kotlin programming language. Works by shading the Kotlin libraries, providing KotlinLanguageProvider to load @Mod object declarations, providing AutoKotlinEventBusSubscriber to load @EventBusSubscriber declarations, and providing useful utility functions and constants.
Kotlin + Forge 从入门到出门的MC Mod教程:二、客户端、服务 …
顾名思义,服务端 (Server)负责处理游戏逻辑(比如怪物的生成),而客户端 (Client)负责将游戏展现给玩家(比如方块的渲染)。 在多人游戏中,区分客户端和服务端是很容易的:服务端在服务器上,客户端在玩家的电脑上。 实际上,现在MC的单机游戏也使用了客户端和服务端,只不过两端都运行在玩家的机器上——可以把它看做是一个本地的单人联机游戏。 所以,一定要分清物理 (Physical)服务端/客户端和逻辑 (Logical)服务端/逻辑客户端的区别。 单机游戏就是逻辑客户 …
kolinmods - ModFighters - Reddit
Mods because mods are great. Welcome to the mod page for Kolin/Helen. Looking for Street Fighter mods? Then you've come to the right place. 1. No thuggery. 2. No spamming. 3. Please keep topics related to mod discussion. 4. No viruses. 5. No piracy. 6. Don't spam requests. 7. Don't link a fully paid mod. Moderator list hidden. Learn More.
街头霸王5 Kolin ZeroSuit Mod V1.0 下载- 3DM Mod站
2018年10月28日 · 在3DM Mod站下载街头霸王5最新的Kolin ZeroSuit Mod,由RuiDX制作。kaizen007在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!
GitHub - ocpu/Boxlin: A mod that provides a Language …
This is a project to enable modding with Minecraft Forge in Kotlin. This language provider embeds the Kotlin runtime libraries so you don't have to. Out of the box Boxlin supports the same code written with the builtin FML Java language provider. The only difference is that you must replace FMLJavaModLoadingContext with BoxlinContext.
Kotlin for Forge - Files - Minecraft Mods - CurseForge
Adds a Kotlin language loader and provides some optional utilities. 90.3M Downloads | Mods