Kommersant - eurotopics.net
Kommersant was the country's first business paper. Founded during Soviet times it has been published daily since 1992. The newspaper was once considered the cradle of independent and critical journalism in Russia. Since its takeover by a holding company owned by billionaire Alisher Usmanov in 2008, its reputation has suffered, but it is still regarded as one of the few quality newspapers in ...
Kommersant - eurotopics.net
Kommersant wurde als erste Wirtschaftszeitung noch zu Sowjetzeiten gegründet und erscheint täglich seit 1992.
Radio Kommersant FM - eurotopics.net
2024年5月11日 · Der 2010 auf Sendung gegangene Nachrichtensender ist redaktionell eng mit der gleichnamigen Zeitung und deren Onlineportal verbunden, wo er über eine eigene Unterseite mit Live-Programm verfügt.
Radio Kommersant FM - eurotopics.net
2024年5月11日 · Radio Kommersant FM, which first went on air in 2010, has close editorial ties with the newspaper of the same name and the latter's website, where it has its own subpage with a live programme.
Kommersant - eurotopics.net
Premier journal économique, dont la fondation remonte à l’époque soviétique, Kommersant paraît quotidiennement depuis 1992.
Kommersant - eurotopics.net
2023年8月8日 · Kommersant ülkenin ilk ekonomi gazetesi olarak daha Sovyetler Birliği zamanında kuruldu ve 1992’den bu yana da günlük olarak yayınlanıyor.
gazeta.ru - eurotopics.net
The Gazeta.ru website was launched in 1999 and within a few years it became Russia's most important independent news website. It was taken over by the Kommersant publishing group in 2008. Since its 2012 acquisition by Rambler Media Group, which
gazeta.ru - eurotopics.net
Fondé en 1999, le portail Gazeta.ru était devenu en l’espace de quelques années seulement un des principaux sites indépendants du pays. Il a par la suite été racheté par la maison d’édition de Kommersant, en 2008.
Articles from „Sergei Strokan“ - eurotopics.net
2019年9月12日 · Russia not a priority for Trump Kommersant notes that people in Russia are overestimating their importance in Trump's world view: While America has practically become the ...Articles from „Sergei Strokan“
Articles from „Maxim Yusin“ | eurotopics.net
2024年5月11日 · Zelensky's opponents are back Radio-Kommersant FM commentator Maxim Yusin quotes what an old friend from Kyiv told him about the situation in Ukraine: 'Politics is ...