Pat kon - Wikipedia
The pat kon (Mon: ဗာတ်ကိုၚ်) is a graduated brass gong chime associated with the Mon people of mainland Southeast Asia. The pat kon has been absorbed into the traditional musical ensembles of neighboring Southeast Asian societies.
Kong mong - Wikipedia
The Kong Mong or Kong Ming (Khmer: គងម៉ង់) is a Cambodian circular musical instrument. It is a single suspended and handheld gong-chime made of bronze or brass, held aloft with one hand, while the other beats it with the wooden mallet, "Onlung Kbal Sva". [1]
Mong Kok - Wikipedia
Mong Kok (also spelled Mongkok, often abbreviated as MK) is an area in Kowloon, Hong Kong. The Prince Edward subarea occupies the northern part of Mong Kok. As one of the major shopping areas in Hong Kong, Mong Kok is characterised by a mixture of old and new multi-story buildings, with shops and restaurants at street level, and commercial or ...
江旻憓 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
江旻憓 ,MH (英語: Vivian Kong Man Wai ;1994年2月8日 — ),前香港女子劍擊(重劍)運動員、奧運 金牌得主。她早年已在亞洲青少年錦標賽奪得多面獎牌,並曾兩度當選「香港傑出青少年運動員」;參加成人賽後,她先後代表香港出戰三屆亞運,贏得一銀五銅 ...
旺角 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
旺角 (英語: Mong Kok),舊稱芒角、望角,是 香港 九龍 西部的一個已消失的 海角,位於 油尖旺區 北部,現為香港著名的 旅遊 和 購物 區之一。 旺角新舊樓宇林立,新型 摩天大廈 、舊式 唐樓 、繁華街道與 排檔 縱橫交錯分佈,是世界一大都市景觀。 以 彌敦道 為界,購物中心集中在東面,而西面則以傳統民生活動為主。 區內交通發達,有 巴士 及 港鐵 (荃灣綫 和 觀塘綫),更有 專線小巴 通宵行駛。 旺角的人口密度極高,平均密度約每平方公里13萬人, 地積比率 約為4 …
Category : Pat kon - Wikimedia
en:Pat kon (Mon: ဗာတ်ကိုၚ်) is a graduated brass gong chime associated with the Mon people of mainland Southeast Asia. The pat kon has been absorbed into the traditional musical ensembles of neighboring Southeast Asian societies.
Amazon.com : Kong Moon Mei Fun Rice Stick Noodles Rice …
Cooking with the right rice noodle is the key to making Singapore noodles successfully. Look for rice noodles with the words "kong moon" on the label (Kong Moon, also romanized as jiangmen, is a city in the Guangdong region of China).
- 评论数: 77
Pat kon - Wikiwand articles
The pat kon (Mon: ဗာတ်ကိုၚ်) is a graduated brass gong chime associated with the Mon people of mainland Southeast Asia. The pat kon has been absorbed into the traditional musical ensembles of neighboring Southeast Asian societies.
Kong Moon celebrates first full-length album - Seacoastonline.com
2020年11月19日 · It’s been a touch over two years since Kong Moon dropped their debut “EP” “Danger Beach” on us. And, while that was a fun introduction, the self-titled LP that the band just released has built...
Category:Kong mong - Wikimedia Commons
Media in category "Kong mong" The following 11 files are in this category, out of 11 total. Khawng Mawn (gong chime) from Thailand, East-West Center.jpg 2,315 × 1,347; 659 KB