IIUM CONVOCATION – Your IIUM Convocation Info Page
Recorded Streaming Videos. Session 9. Session 8
Enyscha's Blog: TIPS KONVO UIA (IIUM)
2019年7月7日 · Before it starts to fade, I think it would better for me to semadikan all the tips here. So basically this tips can be used for all, either male or female graduands. Btw this are just a random tips, you may share your own experience as well and please feel free to do so. 1) PILIH TUDUNG YANG SESUAI (SHAWL KE BAWAL BETTER?)
The IIUM Convocation Robe Set consists of three items: the robe, headgear, and hood. Headgear is a graduation cap with an attached tassel and emblem ring. For undergraduates and …
2019年11月25日 · Konokesyen UIA 2019 KE-35-~-~~-~~~-~~-~-Please watch: "VIVO Y15 2020 | Motor Y15 (Y suku) | Sama Panggilan~Sama Hebat🔥🔥" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6h...
Ambil Jubah Konvo | 36th IIUM Convocation Ceremony - YouTube
Finally dah boleh Ambil Jubah Konvo Guys!!!! Thank you UIA Sebab bagi kami orang-orang tua ni merasa konvo. Finally its 36th IIUM Convocation Ceremony. After...
Selawat Burdah 35th IIUM CONVOCATION CEREMONY - YouTube
2020年7月31日 · The iconic acoustic full version of IIUM Salawat Burdah recitation for Main Procession, 35th Convocation Ceremony 2019 by IIUM Citra. ...more.
Enyscha's Blog: 2019
2019年7月7日 · TIPS KONVO UIA (IIUM) Hi! So sekarang dah bulan July. Another few months lagi 35th IIUM Convocation! Uwuuuu. Congratulations for those who will be graduating this November. Semua penat lelah anda telah sampai ke penghujungnya. Btw I convo last year, so all moments of the convocation event are still fresh in my mind. Before it starts to fade, I ...
Apa yang best sangat belajar di UIA? Life as a IIUM student.
2019年11月6日 · Nak throwback sikit gambar-gambar konvo di UIA sebagai kenangan di sini. Sayang sekali masa belajar di UIA selama 6 tahun (matriks 2 tahun + main campus UIA Gombak 4 tahun) tak banyak gambar diambil maklum la pakai fon cikai hehe.
TIPS CONVO UIA - ketukketukjari.blogspot.com
2018年10月21日 · Di sebabkan sekarang musim konvo kan, so macam ramai ja juniors yang busy prepare tu dah macam nak kawen. Dan macam-macam tips yang diminta dan tak larat nak ulang benda yang sama, maka kakak buat post la sikit bagi semua senang rujuk kan.
Enyscha's Blog: UIA @ IIUM Pagoh
2018年6月5日 · UIA untuk degree students ada 3 kampus sekarang. The main campus of course, UIA Gombak. The second one is UIA Kuantan untuk students Science and the latest one is UIA Pagoh, special untuk Kuliyyah of Languages and Management (KLM) je. KLM is a languages-based kuliyyah. Under KLM ada empat course yang ditawarkan: