KOPR 94.1 FM
Butte Central Athletics play here on KOPR! Click above for the current schedule.
Butte Broadcasting Inc. PO Box 3389 Butte, MT 59702 Phone: 406-494-7777
KOPR - Wikipedia
KOPR (94.1 FM) is an American commercial radio station licensed to serve the community of Butte, Montana. KOPR airs the syndicated, "Custom Rock Hits" music format from Jones Radio Networks. The station has aired an adult hits format for several years.
KOPR Listen Live - 94.1 MHz FM, Butte, United States | Online …
KOPR (94.1 FM) is an American commercial radio station licensed to serve the community of Butte, Montana. KOPR airs the syndicated, "Custom Rock Hits" music format from Jones Radio Networks. The station has aired an adult hits format for several years.
旧名“卡波迪斯特里亚”(斯洛文尼亚语:Koper)。斯洛文尼亚西南部港市。在的里雅斯特半岛西北的小岛上,以海堤与大陆相接。人口4.2万(1981年)。7世纪斯拉夫人在此设居民点。13世纪起先后被威尼斯、奥、意等国控制。1954年归南斯拉夫的斯洛文尼亚。有汽车装配、无线电、塑料、制 …
Kopr – A Smart Grid AI Twin to support the energy transition
Kopr is a digital twin of the grid allowing distribution system operators to monitor and get insights into the state of their grids. This digital counterpart of the physical grid and its processes can be trained in near real-time, with the ever increasing amount of available data, to serve as operational decision helper.
Kopr - účinky na zdraví, co léčí, použití, užívání, využití
2014年11月3日 · Kopr vonný (latinsky anethum graveolens) léčí nadýmání, poruchy trávení, zvyšuje tvorbu mateřského mléka, snižuje tlak. Je to jednoletá, až 1 metr vysoká, lysá rostlina. Má přímou, jemně rýhovanou lodyhu, která je dutá.
KOPR考评实施方案 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
KOPR(Key Objectives Performance Results)关键 目标绩效 成果考评体系,是KPI(Key Performance Indicator) 关键绩效指标 和OKR(Objectives and Key Results)目标和 关键成果 两种工具的结合。绩效考核体系的主要关注点是成果。
Player | KOPR
Butte Broadcasting Inc. PO Box 3389 Butte, MT 59702 Phone: 406-494-7777
Kappa opioid receptor/dynorphin system: Genetic and …
The KOPr/dynorphin system has emerged as a powerful regulator of neuro-behavioral consequences of acute and prolonged exposure to cocaine, heroin, or illicitly used prescription opioids. This system may also contribute to co-morbid anxiety and depression, which may exacerbate particular stages in the addiction cycle.