DS-DAC-100 - 1bit USB-DAC | KORG (USA)
A simple, powerful, and stylish HD audio playback solution for the well-appointed home theater. Use with Korg's AudioGate3 software and hear music as you never have before. Click to learn more.
The KORG DS-DAC-10R allows these retro-audio fans to manage their record collection as music data and enjoy it more easily. Phono input jacks allow the DS-DAC-10R to connect directly to your record player—there is even a grounding terminal.
Korg DS-DAC-10R评测,可能是现在最好的黑胶转录工具(功能篇)
2017年3月5日 · 最后总结一下,Korg DS-DAC-10R这个机器,从支持的格式上来说,基本秒杀市面上一切同类产品,只需要USB供电,方便携带,同时还支持到5.6 MHz DSD格式的AD和DA功能,附带软件专门针对黑胶转录进行优化,所以我可以说,这是市面上能买到的最好的黑胶转录工具之一。 今天先介绍这台机器的功能,音质看我有没有兴趣之后继续再讲了。 谢谢楼主,这个机子的确很实惠。 这个音量键的做工看着确实漂亮,前两天不是还有朋友在吐槽音频设备的led灯 …
Korg DS-DAC-100 review - What Hi-Fi?
2014年3月20日 · Korg DS-DAC-100 . There’s a likable fluency about the sound and a good degree of insight. Stevie’s vocals are delivered with energy, and the Korg sounds composed and in control even when the music gets busy. There’s decent agility and pleasing attack, making for an engaging listen.
新推出的 DS-DAC-10R 音频解码器又为KORG的DSD硬件家族增添了全新的一员。 这款可以为音乐爱好者带来满足感的产品除了品质的音频回放外, USB DAC录音系统也提供了专业级的模拟-数字录音功能,Phono输入接口的配置让它成为了当今黑胶模拟讯源的理想采集工具。 这项实用却少见的功能恰好解决了音乐爱好者们品质音频稀缺的现实问题。 现在通过DS-DAC-10R,您甚至可以 将您珍藏的黑胶专辑转换成品质的DSD数字音频,在更多设备上享受高规格数字音频带来的 …
DS-DAC-100m|HIFI音频| KORG中文官方网站,KORG中国,KORG …
Approximately the same size as a portable hard disk, the DS-DAC100m contains essentially the same circuitry as the upper-level model DS-DAC-100. It provides a compact version of this high-quality audio playback system featuring the same great sound as the DS-DAC100.
KORG DS-DAC-100 數位類比轉換器 耳機擴大機 - K音樂 KRAFT …
korg ds-dac-100 數位類比轉換器 耳機擴大機. 優美的聲音和美麗的設計 . 拋開日常生活的喧囂,讓 ds-dac-100 帶領你沉浸在自己的音樂中,是再美好不過的事,平時缺乏專業美感的音響設備很難將聽眾帶離現實的世界,而 ds-dac-100 做得到這一點。
美型,妙音——KORG DS-DAC-100 震撼上市 - midifan:我们关注 …
2014年7月14日 · “AudioGate 3”和“DS-DAC系列”——最简单的高质量音频回放系统 . 通过USB将DS-DAC-100 / 100m 与电脑连接,便是一套高质量音频回放系统。得益于AudioGate 3软件,将您电脑里的音频素材尽可能高质量地回放。
Korg DSDAC100 Channel Portable Audio Playback System
2013年11月21日 · The Korg DS-DAC 100 is a hardware USB digital-to-analog converter that will allow anyone to play back audio with the highest possible fidelity. The DS-DAC 100 interface provides high definition sound, even in the most critical listening situations.
DS-DAC-100m - Mobile 1bit USB-DAC | KORG (USA)
Approximately the same size as a portable hard disk, the DS-DAC100m contains essentially the same circuitry as the upper-level model DS-DAC-100. It provides a compact version of this high-quality audio playback system featuring the same great sound as the DS-DAC100.