Korg X5 - Sound On Sound
The X5 is a 32‑voice polyphonic, 16‑part multitimbral, General‑MIDI compatible digital synth sporting Korg's AI2 synthesis — the same method as that found on the 01/W and subsequent …
新手请教:KORG X5 - MIDI 音频应用 - audiobar.cn
这个合成器和KORG X5D以及X5DR有什么差别?
Korg - X5D - midifan:我们关注电脑音乐
• 64 复音,是X5的两倍!! • 430 个音色与215个鼓/打击乐器音色 • 47 种不同的效果器,两个独立的效果产生器 • General MIDI 格式兼容 • 高品质的可自由编辑的自定义的音色 • 创建并保存自 …
Korg X5 - Reverb
The X5 is a 32‑voice polyphonic, 16‑part multitimbral, General‑MIDI compatible digital synth sporting Korg's AI2 synthesis — the same method as that found on the 01/W and subsequent …
Korg X5 90's Polyphonic AI2 Synthesiser W/ Effects MIDI & | Reverb
The Korg X5 is a digital synthesiser from the mid-1990s that combines Korg's AI2 synthesis engine with a compact, portable design. It features a 61-key keyboard with velocity sensitivity, …
Korg X5 | Sound Programming
Year Released: 1995. Keyboard: 61 keys with velocity. Polyphony: 32 notes. Multitimbral: 16 parts. Preset Patches: 136. User Patches: 100. User Performances: 100. Preset Drum Kits: 2. …
Downloads | X5 | KORG (USA)
株式会社コルグは、音楽を演奏、作曲するためのシンセサイザーやデジタルピアノ(電子ピアノ)、DJ機器、デジタル・レコーダー、エフェクター、チューナーまでさまざまな電子楽器 …
Korg X5 Synthesizer - Reverb
The X5 is a 32‑voice polyphonic, 16‑part multitimbral, General‑MIDI compatible digital synth sporting Korg's AI2 synthesis. Each Program consists of a couple of waveforms with a …
Korg X5 - Gearspace
The Korg XS employs Korg’s AI Square Synthesis System for all digital processing. From the tone generator—with its 6MB capacity on the X5 and 8MB on the XSIDD—to the filters, amplifier, …
X5 - Synth Ark
The Korg X5 is a pressure and velocity sensitive 61 key (8 channel multitimbral) single (32 voice) or dual (16 voice) oscillator synthesizer, featuring 341 waveforms and 164 drums (16 bit, …