Cyber Risk Quantification and Risk Management | Kovrr
Transform cyber security data into financially quantified cyber risk. Kovrr provides a financial risk overview that includes high, average, and low exposure loss analysis, trends, industry benchmarks, business impact scenarios, and more.
Financially Quantify Cyber Risk On-Demand | About Kovrr
Kovrr financially quantifies cyber risk on demand. Our technology enables decision makers to seamlessly drive actionable cyber risk management decisions. This is some text inside of a div block. Kovrr is led by a team of (re)insurance professionals, cyber intelligence experts, catastrophe modelers, and experienced software developers.
On-Demand Financial Cyber Risk Quantification | Kovrr
Kovrr’s cyber risk quantification solution transforms technical cyber terminology into a broader business language, offering key stakeholders a tangible understanding of the impacts of potential cyber events.
Kovrr - LinkedIn
Kovrr's cyber risk quantification platform empowers enterprise decision-makers to manage cyber exposure more effectively by providing an in-depth risk analysis that drives actionable,...
Cyber Risk Quantification Platform | Kovrr
Kovrr financially quantifies cyber risk on demand. Our technology enables decision makers to seamlessly drive actionable cyber risk management decisions.
Kovrr - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
Kovrr’s predictive cyber risk modeling platform delivers global (re)insurers transparent, real-time data- driven insights into their affirmative and non-affirmative single, accumulated and catastrophic cyber risk exposures. The Kovrr platform is designed to help underwriters, exposure managers and catastrophe modelers understand, quantify and
Data-Driven Analysis With a Managed CRQ Platform | Kovrr
6 天之前 · A managed CRQ platform, like the one offered by Kovrr, provides robust benchmarking insights, allowing organizations to compare their cyber risk exposure levels to those of their peers. Additionally, with these fully managed CRQ services, cybersecurity leaders can easily identify targeted areas that require improvement.
What Is Cybersecurity Performance Management? | Kovrr
2025年2月25日 · Cybersecurity performance management is the process of continuously assessing security posture through metrics such as financial exposure, helping decision-makers make more informed governance decisions.
Cybersecurity & Cyber Risk Quantification | Kovrr Blog
2023年3月2日 · Cyber risk quantification (CRQ) enables enterprises to assess and manage their cyber risk by putting cyber risk in clear financial terms. In 2024, Kovrr revealed top cyber risks, showcasing threats that made it one of the most financially impactful years in cyber history.
Kovrr Launches ‘Cyber-Sphere’ to Simplify Enterprise Cyber Risk ...
2022年7月21日 · Kovrr, a leading provider of cyber risk quantification (CRQ) solutions for global enterprises and (re)insurers, announced today the launch of the Cybe