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The K50M was a Vietnamese submachine gun. The K50M was produced in North Vietnamese workshops during the Vietnam War. It was used by the North Vietnamese Army and Viet Cong militia groups. Production figures are not known. The K50M was a modification of the Chinese Type 50 submachine gun, itself a copy of the Russian PPSh-41.
越南K-50M冲锋枪 - 哔哩哔哩
K-50M是越南在中国援助的50式冲锋枪(仿苏联PPSh-41)基础上改进的,在60年代,中国向越南提供了许多小型武器,包括50式冲锋枪,许多后来被当地越南工厂改装成更紧凑和机动的k -50M冲锋枪。 其改进包括冷却用套管被截短了76 毫米、改用法国MAT-49冲锋枪的前准星、新增了手枪握把和同样地来自MAT-49的可伸缩设计枪托和缩短型枪管。 所有内部部件与50 / PPSh-41型相同。 50式冲锋枪(仿苏联PPSh-41) K-50M冲锋枪是一种开式、单发、全自动的反吹式武器。 机 …
The Vietnamese K-50M Submachine Gun
Jan 26, 2018 · One of the more interesting and little-known firearms used during the conflict—but well-remembered by many American veterans of the Vietnam War—is the North Vietnamese K-50M submachine gun. It...
KP50 500kHz/50mT 100 110 120 40 50 60 70 80 90 500 KP50 400 300 200 100 200 Flux Densi 400 VS. Magnetic Field 600 800 1000 1200 H(A/m) Initial Permeability VS. Temperature 2000 KP50 1600 1200 800 400 50 100 150 200 250 . Author: Hunter_li Created Date:
North Vietnamese K-50M Submachine Gun - Forgotten Weapons
Mar 27, 2020 · The K-50M was a North Vietnamese modification of the PPSh-41 submachine gun to mimic the handling of a French MAT-49. Made from Chinese Type 50 guns (which were direct copies of the original PPSh-41) in small shops, the K-50M used a …
Model K-50M Submachine Gun (SMG) - Military Factory
Jul 11, 2017 · Page details technical specifications, development, and operational history of the Model K-50M Submachine Gun (SMG) including pictures.
K50 smg – laststandonzombieisland
Aug 21, 2020 · Among the military aid sent to Hanoi was the Chinese Type 50 submachine gun, which is easily recognizable to any firearm buff as a clone of the iconic PPsh-41 “pe-pe-sha” of WWII, chambered in 7.62x25mm Tokarev.
產品 ∣ 台灣三菱電機自動化股份有限公司 (Mitsubishi Electric …
將客戶選擇的IPC CPU內部核心分配給SWM-G,無論 Windows® 端的運行狀態如何,都可以實現高速即時控制。 透過綜合測試工具SWM-G Operating Station,可執行從設計到驗證,有助於減少TCO。 CC-Link IE TSN 網路管理工具CC-Link IE TSN Configurator進行網路配置的設定與通訊狀態的確認,有助於減少設計工時。 攝陽企業提供三菱電機 (株)工廠自動化產品、高低壓受配電產品、半導體電子產品等及其他周邊相關產品。 服務內容多樣化、歡迎來電洽詢。
Description: Standard Rectifier Diode. Manufacturer: ZHEJIANG HUAJING RECTIFIER CO.,LTD..
kp50-300晶闸管参数 - 百度知道
Apr 12, 2023 · KP50-300晶闸管是一种高压、高功率的晶闸管,主要用于交流电源控制、电机控制、电炉控制等领域,参数有额定电压3000V,额定电流50A,最大正向导通电压1.8V,最大反向阻断电压3000V,最大正向导通电流50A,最大正向导通电压降1.8V,最大反向漏电流10mA,最大正向导通功率5000W。 晶闸管是一种半导体器件,具有开关控制能力和电流放大能力,广泛应用于电力电子、自动控制、通讯、计算机等领域,晶闸管的主要特点是具有高电压、高电流、高频率 …