KPTJ - Wikipedia
KPTJ (104.5 FM) is a radio station licensed to Grape Creek, Texas. The station began in September 2012, and broadcasts a Latin mix format and is owned by La Unica Broadcasting Co. [2]
Kenyans for Peace with Truth and Justice (KPTJ)
KPTJ, which stands for Kenyans for Peace With Truth and Justice, is a coalition of over 30 Kenyan and East African legal, human rights, and governance organizations, together with ordinary Kenyans and friends of Kenya, convened in the immediate aftermath of 2007's presidential election debacle.
Home - AfriCOG
2025年1月8日 · AfriCOG is an independent, non-profit organisation that provides research and monitoring on governance and public ethics issues to address the structural causes of Kenya’s unfolding governance crisis.
科技部关于开展2023年度全国科普统计调查工作的通知_国务院部 …
科普统计是支撑服务科普管理的重要基础性工作。 根据《国家统计局关于批准执行〈科学研究和技术服务业非企业单位科技活动统计调查制度〉等11项统计调查制度的函》(国统制〔2022〕11号)要求,按照《科学技术部科技统计工作管理办法》(国科发规〔2018〕272号)、《科技部关于开展2023年度科技统计调查工作的通知》(国科函规〔2024〕50号)相关规定,决定启动实施2023年度全国科普统计调查工作,并制定《2023年度全国科普统计调查方案》(附件1)。 …
科普统计 - 中华人民共和国科学技术部
贵州省科技厅召开2021年度科普统计业务培训会 2022-04-08; 内蒙古自治区2019年度科普统计调查工作完成 2020-08-06; 辽宁省科技厅召开科普统计调查培训会 2020-06-19; 青海省科技厅组织召开2019年度全省科普统计调查工作会议 2020-06-11; 科技部关于开展2019年度全国科普统计调查工作的通知 2020-05-15
A Guide to Public Interest Litigation in Kenya
KPTJ, which stands for Kenyans for Peace With Truth and Justice, is a coalition of over 30 Kenyan and East African legal, human rights, and governance organizations, together with ordinary Kenyans and friends of Kenya, convened in the immediate aftermath of 2007's presidential election debacle.
- [PDF]
安徽省科学技术厅 - tl
2023 年度全国科普统计工作实行数据在线填报,各填报单位需在科普统计信息管理系统(http://kptj.istic.ac.cn) 登录填报、审核、 提交数据。 科普统计培训PPT、培训教材及常见问题解答可在科普统计信息管理系统下载。 2024 年6 月10 日前,各 市、各部门完成在线填报及数据的审核、汇 总与提交。 全省科普统计数据填报完成后,省科技厅将对填报数据进行审核, 就上报数据质量进行评估。 对数据质量存在问题的,将要求进行核实和修正。
Reports - Kenyans for Peace with Truth and Justice (KPTJ)
KPTJ paper “Towards a Victim-centred assessment of the ICC performance: the Kenya situation” presented at the 18th session of the Assembly of States Parties of the International Criminal Court at The Hague.
Kenyans for Peace With Truth and Justice (KPTJ) is a coalition of over 30 Kenyan and East African legal, human rights, and governance organizations, together with ordinary Kenyans and friends of Kenya, convened in the immediate aftermath of 2007's presidential election debacle.
Who is KPTJ? - Kenyans for Peace with Truth and Justice (KPTJ)
KPTJ (Kenyans for Peace With Truth and Justice) is a coalition of over 30 Kenyan and East African legal, human rights, and governance organizations, together with ordinary Kenyans and friends of Kenya, convened in the immediate aftermath of 2007’s presidential election debacle.