KPV heavy machine gun - Wikipedia
The KPV heavy machine gun (Russian: КПВ, romanized: KPV, an initialism for Крупнокалиберный пулемёт Владимирова, Krupnokaliberny pulemyot Vladimirova, 'Vladimirov's Large-Caliber Machine Gun') is a Soviet designed 14.5×114mm-caliber heavy machine gun, which first entered service as an infantry weapon ...
KPV重机枪,来自苏联的经典武器 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
KPV是一个系列机枪,开发了多个版本,陆战版本就有 ZPU-1 、 ZPU-2 和 ZPU-4 三个版本,ZPU-1其实就是单挺机枪,它可以安装在更轻的两轮拖车架上,作战时需要展开脚架,也可以安装在三脚架上用于固定阵地。 ZPU-2采用更结实的双轮拖车,车上携带2400发备用弹药,牵引状态下总重量将近1000千克。 ZPU4则安装在更大型的4轮拖车上,这个拖车原本是为25毫米高射炮研发的,ZPU-4整体重量达到了1.8吨,4挺机枪的后坐力很大,正常情况下作战时需要展开千斤 …
KPV 14.5mm Heavy Machine Gun | RUSSIAN GOLIATH
2024年4月23日 · The KPV 14.5mm heavy machine gun (KPV is an initialism for Krupnokaliberniy Pulemyot Vladimirova (Vladimirov's large-caliber machine gun), in Russian as Крупнокалиберный Пулемёт Владимирова, or...
Vladimirov KPV - Weaponsystems.net
The KPV is a powerful heavy machine gun of Soviet origin. It was developed during World War 2 for infantry use. The intended targets were infantry positions, armored vehicles and aircraft.
Vladimirov KPVT heavy tank machine gun
The KPVT tank machine gun was designed to be mounted co-axially with the main gun, as well as on turret, swivelling, and gun ring mounts. Thus, the KPVT was fitted with a detachable feed, a modified receiver, an electric solenoid trigger, and forward spent-case ejection.
KPV - Heavy Machine Gun 14.5x114mm - YouTube
Shooting the KPV 14.5mm machine gun. Machine Gun Tours Slovakia 2017....more: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBDg2QlWaqMqMO7KZ3k_hpDBO6aMKIlRCKPV hea...
KPV 14.5 - Modern Firearms
The KPV (Krubnokalibernyj Pulemet Vladimirova– Vladimirov large calibre / heavy machine gun) was born during WW2 from numerous requests from the Soviet fighting troops, who wanted a heavy MG firing the extra-powerful 14.5×114 armor-piercing ammunition developed for …
14.5 mm Vladimirov KPV heavy machine gun - Gjergj Shqipëria …
2017年10月6日 · The 14.5 mm KPV-44 1944-vsntage Vladimirov heavy machine gun and an anti-aircraft machine gun prototype were submitted for service tests right after the end of the Great Patriotic War in May 1945. Based on the results of the service tests, the machine gun underwent further refinement, first and foremost, as far as reliable operation in adverse ...
ZPU-1 | FirearmCentral Wiki | Fandom
The ZPU-1 (GAU Index: 56-ZT-562) is a Soviet anti-aircraft gun. The ZPU-1 mounts a single KPV 14.5mm heavy machine gun.
KPV Machine Gun - The Most Efficient Execution Tool Since the Guillotine
2019年7月20日 · The gun system is designed for close-in air defense against low-flying aircraft. The KPV has a maximum effective range of 3km horizontally and 2km vertically while remaining lethal out to 8km. The 14.5mm KPV is a turret-mounted weapon on …