2024年4月9日 · Muzzle Device: Krink Booster Muzzle Thread: M24x1.5 RH Receiver: Stamped Steel Front Trunnion: Hammer Forged 4340AQ Bolt: Hammer Forged Carrier: Hammer Forged Handguard Type: Red Wood Grip: Checkered Grip, Red Wood Brace: JMAC Customs Stock Adapter with Black Triangle Side Folding Brace Fire Control Group: Single Stage, Single Hook …
What is a Krink? - AR15.COM
2010年3月3日 · A lot of people refer to any short barreled AK as a krink, but that isn't accurate at all. Like a Draco pistol, that isn't a krink. Posted: 3/3/2010 2:35:09 PM EST
PSA .300 Krink- well that went fast! - AR15.COM
2024年10月18日 · There is a hinge on the rear of the gun, it comes installed with a Picatinny block that then allows the mounting of their brace. You can tap out the 4.5mm (it's actually slightly larger so expect some fitting with new parts) and take out the pic adaptor piece and add any AK-74M/AK-100 style hinged stock or stock adaptor in it's place.
Garand Thumb Reviews PSA AKS-74U (5.56 Krink to 5,000) > …
2024年12月22日 · For a gun you might actually use for home defense and so forth, the 7.62 terminal ballistics make more sense out of a barrel that short. I'm a bit puzzled by PSA offering the .300BLK prior to X39 It's funny GT seems to believe the barrel is already burned up at 5K of hard use, and needing replaced; the gun smiths are looking at him like he's a ...
PSA Krink is on the site - AR15.COM
2024年1月5日 · Another vote for 300 blk version. My 7.62x39 krink only sees subsonic out of it, but obviously that has dried up because of Putey Pie. I load my own 300blk subs, so one in that caliber would let me keep going with a quiet krink indefinitely.
Since the PSA "Krink" . . . - AR15.COM
2024年3月27日 · Dimensionally, the PSA krink is actually a pretty good match, just in 5.56, which is in fact a krink variant made by Bulgaria. A Beryl 5.56 shorty wouldn't even be close to having almost any of the uniquely Krink features that are in fact shared by the PSA gun. OP is Duning-Kruger material.
Krink kit value and a good krink builder - AR15.COM
2018年2月26日 · Doable but expensive. I had Mario at POHF convert a Polytech 5.56 fixed stock gun to a 5.45 Krink a few years ago. Tula kit and Bluejack barrel. The gun was a bit of a hatchet job, with a cut rail. Mario fixed everything. Since the entire receiver is the registered part, the trunion and sheet metal have to be saved for the conversion.
Which optic mount is compatible with the new PSA Krink
2024年5月30日 · Generally true but the AKSU has the rear sight much closer to the rail than a regular AK OP, most side rails will end up sliding forward on the rail until the front of the base stops just short of the rivet that holds the optic plate in place.
Does the Palmetto State Armory Krink - AR15.COM
2024年8月6日 · This however doesn't give you the best hold on the front of the gun and with larger hands, made accidentally touching the handguard retainer or front sight inevitable. I then tried to adopt a "C clamp" grip with my thumb over the top of the handguard. This was great for controlling the gun, but it would completely block the ability to use the ...
PSA 300blk Krink? Anyone got hands on? - Page 1 - AR15.COM
2024年11月24日 · I might just be better of waiting for the new BRN-180 gen 3 that's on the horizon for a shorty 300blk gun with a folding stock, without the Sig premium and lack of support in the future Posted: 11/23/2024 9:13:00 PM EST