Chapter 7 Relative permeability - ScienceDirect
2000年1月1日 · The end point values satisfy krovv = krog at S 9 -0 and Sw-Swc, but end point values need not equal one. The water and gas relative permeability curves k~ and krg are treated as in the STONES lmethod. Oil relative permeability kro is a function of both Sw and Sg.
石油大学 油层物理课件 第三章(4)相渗及应用 - 百度文库
1、平均饱和度方法 将不同岩心测得的相对渗透率曲线绘在同一坐 标纸上,采用连续固定油、水的相对渗透率值,求 其平均的含水饱和度值,由此可得油水两相的平均 相对渗透率曲线。 2、相关经验公式法 利用有代表性的相关经验公式,对每块岩心的 相对渗透率曲线进行回归,求出能反映曲线特征的 相关参数,对相关参数进行平均,从而得到该油藏 有代表性的相对渗透率曲线公式及数据。 2、有效渗透率 (effective permeability) 当岩石孔隙中饱和两种或两种以上流体时,岩石 …
2022年7月11日 · In running Module 2, we showed that the software can generate three-phase Kro-Krg-Krw-Pcgo-Pcow (complete saturation functions) for assumed/specific curves of data in (c).
Gas-Oil Relative Permeability Ratio Correlation From
Gas-oil relative permeability ratio is an important relationship in oil reservoir predictive calculations. A correlation has been developed from 107 gas-flood krg/kro tests on Venezuelan core samples.
A Comparison of Calculated krg/kro Ratios With a Correlation …
It is shown that krg/kro ratios computed on the assumption that the average sandstone reservoir has a poresize distribution characterized by a linear 1/Pc 2 saturation plot are in good agreement with corresponding krg/kro ratios obtained by Wahl, Mullins and Elfrink by the correlation of …
An experimental investigation on relative permeability ratio ...
2023年7月7日 · The relative permeability ratio of oil to water (Kro/Krw) has an important influence on water cut (the proportion of water of the entire produced liquid) and, in turn, on the relationship between recovery and water cut (Jun et al. 2016). Jun et al. studied the relative permeability ratio to investigate water cut and oil recovery.
相对渗透率 - 百度文库
随着润湿相饱和度的增加,非润湿相饱和度减少,非润湿相相渗透率(Kro)下 降,但初期非润湿相相渗透率(Kro)仍大于润湿相(Krw),其原因在于非润 湿相居于大孔道中央,流动阻力小;而且润湿相占据小孔道和大孔道的四壁,遇 到阻力大、流经路程长。
A Comparison of Calculated krg/kro Ratios With a Correlation of …
Semantic Scholar extracted view of "A Comparison of Calculated krg/kro Ratios With a Correlation of Field Data" by Michael A. Torcaso et al.
高职油层物理第十章相对渗透率 - 百度文库
能力称为某相的有效渗透率或称某相的相渗透率。 通常用Ko、Kw、Kg表示,单位为μm2 。 水的流量为0.30cm3/s,油的流量为0.02cm3/s。 问此时油、水的有效渗透率各是多少? 简称相渗曲线。 条曲线、三个区域、四(五)个特征点。 0.2MPa下测得流量为0.167cm3/s。 问这两种流体测. 得岩石的绝对渗透率是多少? (3)束缚水饱和度下的油相渗透率Kswc。 压差0.2MPa下测得盐水的流量为0.30cm3/s,油的流量为0.02cm3/s。 0.30cm3/s,油的流量为0.02cm3/s。 问此时油、水 …