Krokuun - Zone - World of Warcraft - Wowhead
Krokuun is the first zone unlocked on the planet Argus. Once serving as a prosperous Eredar civilization, this civilization has crumbled away and vanished under the Legion's defilement. …
Krokuun - Wowpedia - Your wiki guide to the World of Warcraft
Krokuun is a region of Argus where the armies of Azeroth first landed during their quest to stop the Burning Legion. Kil'jaeden's Legion ship has crashed here near the Xenedar.
Krokuun Zone - Dungeon Guide
Krokun is one of three zones that represent the planet of Argus. The planet of Argus is the ancestral home of the Draenei. When Sargeras came to the planet, he was able to corrupt and …
Patch 7.3: How to Get to Argus - News - Icy Veins
2017年7月24日 · The first area to start the Argus experience is Krokuun. Green circles on the map indicate Invasion Points, golden icons are Lightforged Beacons used to teleport back to …
Explore Argus - Achievement - World of Warcraft - Wowhead
Explore Argus, revealing the covered areas of the world map on Krokuun, Eredath, and the Antoran Wastes. In the Legion Exploration Achievements category.
Your wiki guide to the World of Warcraft - Wowpedia
The Argus storyline is the patch 7.3.0 questing experience. It deals with the heroes of Azeroth traveling to Argus, the original homeworld of the eredar, to end the threat of the Burning …
Argus Zone Video Preview - Krokuun and Mac'Aree - Wowhead
2017年7月14日 · Argus is a sprawling new planet to explore in Patch 7.3, with three major sections and epic storylines. In today's video series, we'll explore the open areas: Krokuun, …
Krokuun/Rare mobs | WoWWiki - Fandom
These are all the rare mobs found in Krokuun. Mob locations can be found on the provided map; below the map is a table showing what notable loot each mob drops and any associated …
Krokuun - NamuWiki
2023年7月20日 · Krokuun. A region on the planet Argus from World of Warcraft: Legion. It is the first place to set foot after arriving in Argus on the salvation boat. Overall, it is a deserted area …
Krokuun | WoWWiki - Fandom
Krokuun is the first of three explorable world fragments of Argus made accessible in Patch 7.3. It is the intro zone players can explore on Argus.