Krompachy - Wikipedia
Krompachy (German: Krombach, Hungarian: Korompa) is a town in Slovakia, with a rich mining and metallurgical history, well-known both in Slovakia and in its close neighboring countries for its Plejsy ski center.
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Krompachy - Slovakia.travel
Despite the rich mining and metallurgy tradition, the town of KROMPACHY is known, both in Slovakia and abroad, especially for its Plejsy Ski Resort. Nevertheless, the magnificent scenery of hills, valleys, forests and meadows, as well as the precious cultural and historical sights, allow Krompachy to provide optimum conditions for recreation ...
Krompachy - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Krompachy (German: Krompach, Hungarian: Korompa) is a town in Slovakia, located on the valley of the Hornád River. Until the end of the 20th century it was a centre of mining and metallurgy, particularly iron and copper. It is now an alpine resort, close to the Plejsy ski center.
Krompachy - oficiálne stránky mesta
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Krompachy Map - Town - Spišská Nová Ves District, Slovakia
Krompachy is a town in Slovakia, with a rich mining and metallurgical history, well-known both in Slovakia and in its close neighboring countries for its Plejsy ski center.
克龍帕希 - Wikiwand
Krompachy as a lens to history - The Slovak Spectator
Krompachy is an old mining town. We can view much of the history of Slovakia through the lens of the first copper- and ironworks that were built in Krompachy in 1804, followed by a more modern ironworks in 1897.
Krompachy – Wikipédia
Korompa, lat. Krompachinum) [5] sú mesto na východnom Slovensku na Spiši v Košickom kraji v okrese Spišská Nová Ves. Mesto leží na pomedzí Volovských vrchov a Braniska, na sútoku Hornádu a Slovinského potoka. Územím mesta prechádza cesta II/547 a …
Mesto - Krompachy
2024年7月2日 · KONTAKT MESTSKÝ ÚRAD KROMPACHY Námestie slobody č. 115/1 053 42 Krompachy Telefón: +421 53 419 22 22 E-mail: [email protected] IČO: 00329282