Oleh Krysa - Wikipedia
Oleg/Oleh Krysa (Russian: Олег Крыса Ukrainian: Олег Криса; born June 1, 1942) is an American violinist of Ukrainian Origin, Laureate of International Competitions, Honored Artist of Ukrainian SSR (1970), Laureate of Lenin Komsomol Prize (1970), Merited Artist of Ukraine.
Taras Krysa, M.M. | People | University of Nevada, Las Vegas
The Ukrainian-born, American conductor Taras Krysa is establishing a reputation for innovative and thoughtful music-making throughout the United States and Europe. In addition to serving as the director of orchestras at UNLV, Mr. Krysa serves as the music director of the Lviv (Ukraine) Philharmonic Orchestra.
‘Putin, he’s just like Hitler’: UNLV’s ... - Las Vegas Sun
2022年3月14日 · We spoke with Krysa about his Russian-Ukrainian background, how his family members in both countries feel about the war and what he hopes for in a peaceful future.
Oleh's Story ~ Oleh Krysa
Oleh's musical story begins as a toddler singing along with his mother a capella at her side. But his long journey with the violin literally starts with a coin toss. Prompted by neighbors who noticed that he could sing on key, Krysa's parents were convinced that he should attend music school.
Oleh Krysa played solo recitals in major music centres throughout the world (including Great and Small Halls of Moscow Conservatory, Tchaikovsky Hall, Great Hall of Leningrad Philharmonia, Glinka Hall, Column Hall of Kiev Philharmonia, Warsaw Philharmonia, Concertgebouw, Brahms Hall, Royal Festival Hall, Wigmore Hall, Queen Elizabeth Hall ...
Proč jsou krysy nebezpečné pro člověka
Vědci vysvětlují, proč jsou krysy nebezpečné pro lidský život, jeho zdraví. Krysa nejí jen zásoby potravin, táhne vejce z kuřecího moči, ale také šíří strašné choroby.
Oleh Krysa - cimcompetition.com
OLEH KRYSA - Eastman School of Music
A prominent student of David Oistrakh, Krysa won major prizes in such international competitions as the Wieniawski (1962), Tchaikovsky (1966), and Montreal (1969), and was outright winner of the Paganini Competition (1963). Oleh Krysa began his teaching career as chairman of the Violin Department at the Kiev Conservatory.
Career Overview ~ Oleh Krysa
Currently Professor of Violin at the Eastman School of Music, Krysa began his teaching career in 1967 as chairman of the Violin Department at the Kiev Conservatory. While teaching at the Kiev Conservatory, Krysa remained very active as a performer.
大咖面对面 · 享誉世界的小提琴大师Oleh Krysa(上)
2017年11月28日 · 作为杰出的小提琴家,室内乐音乐家,教授,乌克兰裔美籍小提琴大师奥列格 克里萨(Oleh Krysa)在前苏联开启他辉煌的演奏生涯。