3482660 - Price per unit determination in KSII - SAP
Visit SAP Support Portal's SAP Notes and KBA Search. It is not clear how KSII calculates the price per unit in the results. Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.
SAP软件的成本分割与作业价格计算逻辑介绍 - 萧静默 - 博客园
2021年4月19日 · “Z001_OV” 是成本要素组,需要提前通过KAH1创建好,当然这里也可以输入成本要素范围(不建议),如果输入范围,后续要删除或增加成本要素很不方便,而输入成本要素组,后续调整成本要素就只需要在成本要素组里面删除或增加成本要素即可。 步骤4:将分割结构分配至成本中心(OKEW) 上图是设置那些成本中心要按S1规则执行成本分割。 步骤5:维护成本中心和作业类型计划-计划数量 (KP26) 备注:注意这里的权【权数】设置为1:2, 这个会影响成 …
Solved: Price Unit of activity type in KP26 - SAP Community
2019年4月9日 · When you run KSPI, the system optimize the price up to 6 digits for get accurate results, if you have selected iterative price calculation. Based on the results, system will get updated the price unit in KP26. However, you can get the details in the selection screen of KSPI. There you can find the documentation for optimization also. Regards ...
Solved: KSPI rate calculation - SAP Community
2016年2月4日 · Can I please request for some assistance in regards to how the system calculates the activity rate in KSPI? I was under the assumption that it should simply divide the Plan Cost (from KP06) against the Plan Activity Quantity (KP26) ?
关于KSPI的计划作业单价计算逻辑 - CSDN博客
KSS2分割的目的是为了让成本要素的实际发生额和 作业 类型挂钩,所有没有和 作业 类型关联的成本要素实际发生额将按照 作业 类型的权数(查看KP26)被分配给该成本中心向流程订单输出的 作业 类型去,所以在做完成本中心分摊. 很多初学者对于 作业 价格的 计算 迷迷糊糊搞不清楚,转引 SAP 秀才的文章地讲述一下。 成本中心及成本中心组: 成本要素及成本要素组: 作业 类型及 作业 类型组: 活动类型C62和T10关联80010102这个43类型的次级成本要素,这两个活动均 …
Solved: KSII and KSPI - SAP Community
2012年6月2日 · KSII is used to calculate Actual activity rate which gets updated in KBK6 in order to revaluate the Activity prices on the Production orders which where initially charged with Plan price in KP26. Actual quantity comes from the actual confirmation in CO11N and the actual price comes through the posting of transaction from FI.
Price Calculation KSPI/KSII - CSDN博客
2010年12月9日 · 本文介绍SAP系统中KP06成本计划工具的使用方法,详细解释了Activity-dependent和Activity-independent成本规划的区别,并通过实例展示了如何计算作业的最终价格。
KSPI: Iterative Plan Price Calculation - SAP FREE Tutorials
KSPI is a standard SAP tcode used to perform Iterative Plan Price Calculation task in SAP ERP (or) S/4HANA system. The SAP tcode KSPI is available within SAP ECC, SAP S/4HANA On-premise and SAP S/4HANA Private Cloud systems depending on the version and release level. Available? The following is the list of SAP transaction codes related to KSPI.
Standard Cost estimate in 7 steps (SAP S/4HANA)
2024年9月15日 · Run Plan Price Calculation (KSPI) After allocating expenses and quantities in the production cost centres, the system will calculate rates by dividing the total cost by the quantity. The result will be the rate for each combination of cost centre and activity type.
Solved: KSPI - SAP Community
2013年7月5日 · In KSPI, from the menu, select "Extras->Settings". There uncheck the check on "Execute intern. act. splitting". Run KSPI and see that no splitting is carried out again.