KSR50 | Bolt Action Sniper Rifle .50 BMG Kalekalıp’s high precision 12.7 mm x 99 NATO / .50 BMG sniper rifle. It is fully modular rifle with KeyMod rails allowing the users the ability to adapt to any accessory.
Turkish KSR50 sniper rifle - iMedia - 頭條匯
2025年3月2日 · This is the AS50 large-caliber sniper rifle of the British International Precision Machinery Co., Ltd. produced by Turkey Kalkalep, which is currently in service in the Turkish army. The gun uses 12.7*99 NATO caliber ammunition. It is a fully modular rifle with KeyMod rails, allowing users to install any accessories. T
KSR50 12,7mm x NATO 50 BMG Bolt Action Sniper Rifle . KGL40 40mm x 46 NATO Under Barrel Grenade Launcher . KAGL40 40mm x 53 NATO Automatic Grenade Launcher . ... BORAN VI Sniper Competition. 25 November 2024. KMG556 Completes First Delivery After 50,000 Rounds Test! NEWS. NEWS. 22 November 2024. SAHA EXPO 2024. 0.
kellot - Kale Kalıp KSR50
KSR50 is a high precision 12.7 mm x 99 NATO / .50 BMG sliding sniper rifle designed and produced by KALEKALIP. It features a fully modular KeyMod rail construction that allows users to mount any accessory to the rifle.
KSR50/KSR80 - SNIPER अधिकृत वेबसाइट
sniper スナイパー製品の公式サイト。 バックステップ,エンジンスライダー,レバーガード,スタンドフック,各種レバーなどレース用パーツなどのモーターサイクルパーツ、カスタムパーツをご紹介
KALE KSR50 Sürgülü Keskin Nişancı Silahı – Millisavunma.com
2018年9月19日 · KALE KSR50 50 Kalibre Sürgülü Keskin Nişancı Silahı Yüksek İsabetli Anti Materyal Tüfek. Kale Grubu, Accuracy International firmasının geliştirdiği AX50 keskin nişancı tüfeğini lisans altı üretterek KSR50 adıyla (12.7 x 99 mm NATO 50 kalibre) savunma sektörünün hizmetine sunmuştur.
KSR50, KALEKALIP’ın tasarım ve üretimini gerçekleştirdiği, yüksek hassasiyetli 12,7 mm x 99 NATO / .50 BMG sürgülü keskin nişancı tüfeğidir. Kullanıcıların herhangi bir aksesuarı tüfeğe monte edebilmelerini sağlayan tamamen modüler KeyMod raylı yapıya sahiptir.
[Indo Defense 2018] Kale Kalip .50 BMG Anti-Materiel Rifle, …
2018年11月29日 · Apart from the standard 5.56x45mm AR15-derivatives and MPT76 service rifles on display, Kale Kalip had two new product entries that were being exhibited for Indo Defense 2018. The first is the .50 BMG KSR50, which appears to be a license produced or at least Kale Kalip-marked variant of the Accuracy International AX50.
KSR50/KSR80 - SNIPER अधिकृत वेबसाइट
sniper スナイパー製品の公式サイト。 バックステップ、エンジンスライダー、フェンダーレスキット、レバーガード、スタンドフック、レバーセット、レース用部品などモーターサイクルパーツ、バイクパーツ、カスタムパーツをご紹介
KALE KSR50 50 Kalibre Sürgülü Keskin Nişancı Silahının Özellikleri …
2021年11月10日 · KALE KSR50 50 Kalibre Sürgülü Keskin Nişancı Tüfeğinin Genel Özellikleri • Gözetleme ayaklı sola katlanan dipçik • Sol ve Sağ el kullanımına uygun