Kelsey HENG (alumnus) – KTW Lab
Shortly after completing my degree in 2014, I joined Dr. Koh Tong-Wey’s lab at Temasek Life Sciences to identify and investigate genetic interactors of alpha-synuclein that predispose Drosophila to neurodegeneration — Parkinson’s disease in particular. In my free time, I attempt to be an avid crossfitter, dabble in the world of creating ...
KTW Lab – Fly . Fish . Parkinson's Disease
Temasek Life Sciences Laboratory (Located in the Kent Ridge Campus of National University of Singapore) 1 Research Link Singapore 117604 +65 6872 7554. [email protected]. KTW Lab. Fly . Fish . Parkinson's Disease. Menu Our People. KOH, Tong-Wey, Ph.D. Our Research. The Fly; The Fish; Publications; Our Location; Come join us! Internship ...
Dale Wilcox, Ph.D. – KTW Lab
Temasek Life Sciences Laboratory (Located in the Kent Ridge Campus of National University of Singapore) 1 Research Link Singapore 117604
KTW-BWGL_中何检测技术 - zhonghett.com
KTW-BWGL(Evaluation criteria for plastics and other organic materials in contact with drinking water) 是参考德国《环境署UBA饮用水卫生条例》要求用于生产、加工或输送饮用水的设施或者维护的材料和产品不能危害人体健康,不得对水的气味和味道产生负面影响,释放到饮用水中物质量 ...
KTW-BWGL Certification - Testing and inspections on products …
The UBA / KTW-BWGL rules replaces previous regulations on the German market and becomes a mandatory requirement for the sale of any product in contact with drinking water from 21 March 2021. Certification can be obtained with a hygienic conformity mark from a certified body.
KTW Lab - Facebook
KTW Lab. 82 likes · 1 talking about this. Please see our website to learn more about us.
Material testing, product standards, drinking water | TZW
2021年9月12日 · We offer hygienic suitability tests of products and materials in contact with drinking water in accordance with the evaluation criteria and guidelines of the German Environment Agency UBA (e.g. KTW-BWGL, Enamel and Ceramics BWGL, Silicone transitional recommendation).
KTW认证 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
KTW (德国饮用水行业非金属部件的检测实验认可)代表德国联邦健康部门饮用水系统选材与健康评估权威部门,它是德国DVGW的实验室。 KTW 是2003成立的强制监管机关。 要求供应商符合DVGW (德国气体与水协会) 的第W 270项条例"微生物在非金属材质上的传播"。 这个标准主要保护饮用水不受生物杂质污染。 W 270也是法律规定的执行规范。 KTW测试的标准是EN681-1,W270的测试标准就是W270。 所有出口欧洲的饮用水系统及辅料都必须出具KTW认证。 …
KTW是德国饮用水协会(Kautschuk Trink Wasser)的简称。 主要针对与水接触的非金属材料,如橡胶、聚合材料、涂料、润滑剂等。 做KTW测试的产品需提交所使用物质和添加剂的清单,包括化合物的化学名称,CAS编号,所占配方的百分比,及每种物质所发挥的功能等。
Water hygiene material tests
We competently perform drinking water hygiene suitability tests on non-metallic materials for you. Our range of services includes not only the testing of organic materials and materials, elastomers, silicones, paints, coatings, lubricants but also of cement-bound materials and enamel / ceramics.