Ku Marked Luger | Jan C. Still Lugerforums
2014年9月25日 · The luger is a Ku marked luger. The story behind it is that it has just come from the estate of a gent who has just passed away. The gun is still live at the moment (illegal here in the UK) It was taken off a member of a bomber crew that crash landed here.
Ku Luger fans - Jan C. Still Lugerforums
2011年1月17日 · Ku Luger fans Jump to Latest 12K views 15 replies 8 participants last post by Vlim Sep 15, 2012
Value of Ku Lugers? - Jan C. Still Lugerforums
2021年10月26日 · This will be more of a ballpark question....I saw where a Ku Luger sold on gunbroker not too long ago for 2500$, I also know that dealer websites have had them higher. So, what is a reasonable value for a typical Ku Luger in about 95% condition? I know...totally a ballpark w/o specifics...
unusual Ku 4273 for sale at Legacy | Jan C. Still Lugerforums
12/5/23 - This is a very collectible KU luger - which gets its name from the KU on the left side of the receiver. Some of the specifics are unknown (such as the meaning of KU) but most believe these guns were put together by Krieghoff from left over Mauser parts after the Mauser factory...
Kü University | Jan C. Still Lugerforums
2022年9月10日 · Either serial numbers started at 1000 or the train carrying the first 1000 Ku Lugers got blown to smithereens and 4-5 pieces got blown out of the box car and picked up….take your choice. I also reject that the Ku prefixes …
Kü Luger: Latest Database | Jan C. Still Lugerforums
2023年2月4日 · If this is in fact the claim then I would love to examples, and I mean hundreds of them like we have in the Ku data list, of re-built Lugers using 1936-1940 receives and how maybe 15,000 Mauser “humpback” spare frames were used in arsenal Luger repair and or builds, after all that would have been the “on-going” spare allocation based on ...
KU luger | Jan C. Still Lugerforums
2023年10月18日 · KU luger Jump to Latest 2.8K views 46 replies 8 participants last post by phila Oct 25, 2023
Opinion on this KU - Jan C. Still Lugerforums
2015年11月4日 · The reason for this is because the finish of the Ku lugers is not the same quality as a standard 1941 Mauser production luger.The dates of production for this theory can be between 1942-1944. Well, that is about all the stories I've heard about these.
Question on trigger bar markings/serial numbers on KU...
2022年1月11日 · I am the owner of the Kü-Luger #2460Kü from the former Collection from Joop van de Kant. Here are some points/observation: all (or the most) existing Kü-Lugers were assembled from Mauser-spare parts built between 1934 - 1941, reported chamber dates are 1938 (1 Luger), 1939 (3 Lugers), 1940 (1 Luger) and 1941 (88 Lugers).
Holster for Ku marked luger | Jan C. Still Lugerforums
2014年11月16日 · Gents Would this holster be correct for a Ku marked luger? Its a nice tan holster which would be issued to Luft personal, just thought it would go well with a very good condition Ku luger (mind you its expensive he wants £750 for it …