Fikri Kuchuk - Google Scholar
FJ Kuchuk, PA Goode, DJ Wilkinson, RKM Thambynayagam. SPE Formation Evaluation 6 (01), 86-94, 1991. 261: 1991: Pressure-transient analysis for horizontal wells. FJ Kuchuk, PA Goode, BW Brice, DW Sherrard, RKM Thambynayagam. Journal of Petroleum Technology 42 (08), 974-1031, 1990. 223 *
Fikri J. Kuchuk - American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and ...
Fikri J. Kuchuk, Schlumberger Fellow, is chief reservoir engineer for Schlumberger Testing Services, previously holding that position in the Middle East and Asia. Prior to that, he was senior scientist and program manager at Schlumberger-Doll Research Center.
Fikri KUCHUK | Emeritus Fellow | PhD | Retired | Research profile
Fikri KUCHUK, Emeritus Fellow | Cited by 3,372 | | Read 248 publications | Contact Fikri KUCHUK
Kuchuk Hanem - Wikipedia
Kuchuk Hanem (fl. 1850–1870) was a famed beauty and Ghawazee dancer of Esna, [1] mentioned in two unrelated accounts of travel to Egypt, the French novelist Gustave Flaubert [2] and the American adventurer George William Curtis. [3] Kuchuk Hanem became a key figure and symbol in Flaubert's Orientalist accounts of the East.
Oral-History:Fikri Kuchuk - Engineering and Technology History …
2022年9月14日 · Fikri Kuchuk, a Schlumberger Fellow, is currently Chief Reservoir Engineer for Schlumberger Testing Services. Dr. Kuchuk has 40 years of experience in reservoir characterization, engineering, and management, and is an internationally-recognized expert on pressure transient formation and well testing.
庫楚克開納吉和約 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
庫楚克開納吉和約 (俄语: Кючук-Кайнарджийский мирный договор,Ясский мирный договор 、 土耳其語: Küçük Kaynarca Antlaşması 、英語: The Treaty of Kuchuk-Kainarji 、 保加利亞語: Договорът от Кайнарджа, Кючуккайнарджийския договор )是 第五次俄土戰爭 結束之後 俄羅斯帝國 和 鄂圖曼土耳其帝國 簽訂的和約,於1774年7月簽訂於保加利亞北部的 凱納爾賈。 該條約規定土耳其割讓給俄羅斯大片土地,並且俄羅斯獲得了在黑海創建艦隊和在 伊斯坦堡海峽 …
Fikri Kuchuk | Semi-retired Researcher - Academia.edu
Dr. Kuchuk has 40 years of experience in reservoir characterization, engineering, and management and is an internationally known expert on pressure transient formation and well testing. I have made significant contributions to the theory and technology in formation and well-testing interpretation, history matching, and uncertainty in reservoir ...
Leonid Kuchuk - Manager profile - Transfermarkt
2023年3月19日 · This is the profile site of the manager Leonid Kuchuk. The site lists all clubs he coached and all clubs he played for.
库楚克-开纳吉条约 - 百度百科
1774年7月21日俄国与土耳其在库楚克-开纳吉 (Kuchuk-Kainarji或Kücük Kaynarca,在今保加利亚境内)缔结。 依约:土向俄赔款400万卢布;俄在克里米亚地区获得金布恩、叶尼卡尔和刻赤等地,并将其领土扩大到南布格河;允许俄国商船自由通过亚速海、黑海和黑海海峡,俄国并享受最惠国待遇;俄可在土各地建立领事馆,在伊斯坦布尔的加拉太区修建东正教教堂; 克里米亚汗国 宣布独立,摩尔多瓦和瓦拉几亚获自治并转入俄保护之下。 该约减轻了土对俄的威胁,加强了俄在巴 …
About the Authors | Wireline Formation Testing: Hardware
Fikri J. Kuchuk, emeritus geoscientist fellow, retired from Schlumberger after 35 years as fellow and chief reservoir engineer in the USA, France, and the Middle East. He holds 45 years of experience in reservoir characterization and engineering, particularly in pressure transient formation and well testing.
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