Hasselblad vs Kiev 88 Camera (Kiev 88CM / ARAX-CM)
2015年9月26日 · Looking to buy a 6×6 medium format camera and can’t decide between a Kiev 88 vs Hasselblad? I had the same decision but now own both. Here I share the pros and cons of each camera for me.
Kiev 88 - Camera-wiki.org - The free camera encyclopedia
2024年12月15日 · The Kiev 88 is best known as an inexpensive entry-level medium format SLR, modeled after the Hasselblad 500 series of cameras. Unlike the Hasselblad 500s, though, the Kiev 88 and its derivatives used focal plane shutters and thus lenses were not interchangeable between the Kiev and Hasselblad cameras.
Kiev 88 - History and Functionality - Filmphotography.eu
The Kiev 88 is an SLR camera. It was manufactured by Arsenal near Kiev and presented in the 80s. The medium format camera is very similar to the Salyut-C. The medium format camera offers the possibility of interchangeable lenses. Lenses with different focal lengths were offered by Arsenal for the system.
Kiev 88 Medium Format SLR Film Camera ★ Camera Review
The Kiev 88 is a solid full mechanical medium format SLR film camera on a budget. It might have it’s deficites, sure. But honestly, it’s a film camera with a character. Mine is a loyal companion from -40°C in Russian winter to +50°C in the Israelian Negev desert.
Kiev 88 TTL Medium Format SLR Film Camera with 80mm Lens
These Kiev 88 manual controls improve customization and help photographers craft a unique shot. With each adjustment, the camera helps to turn an image into art. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Kiev 88 TTL Medium Format SLR Film Camera with 80mm Lens at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
基辅88(KIEV88)机器的维修专区 - 无忌摄影论坛
2009年9月22日 · 从进入论坛到现在,基辅88机器就一直是关注的一个焦点.众多的朋友在使用这个前苏联和现在乌克兰继续改造生产的机器的时候,多数都发生了故障. 在此,本人想开个头,请各位拥有基辅88机器的朋友,了解88机器故障的朋友,在这里交流心得,也免得在其他朋友开的专门 ...
Kiev 88CM camera kit - HARTBLEI
Kiev 88CM is a single-lens reflex camera, which, in its basic form, consists of the 88CM camera body, a 80mm / f=2.8 multicoated lens, Kiev FM12 (6×6 cm) or FM16 (6×4.5 cm) interchangeable film magazines, removable waist level finder and PV45 TTL-metered prism viewfinder. Two models of the camera are made: Kiev 88CM and Kiev 88CM Master.
Kievaholic Klub - Kiev Medium Format Cameras and Lenses
2001年5月2日 · The Kiev 88 is most akin to the early Hasselblad 1000 and 1600 models. They share the focal plane shutter design and all the gearing quirks that made the early Hassy's such unpredictable beasts. Kiev 88's are not compatible with …
Kiev 88 Medium Format user reviews - PhotographyReview
Skillful use of metal and plastic. Excellent lens selections; the optics are military specification quality as they are product of Arsenal of Kiev Optics. The technology that produced Sputnik and Kalichnikovs that are most prolific produced gun ever. Anyway, the cams are straight-up, pragmatic photographic tools.
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Kiev 88 - Geschichte & Funktionsumfang der Kamera
2018年7月17日 · Mit der Kiev 88 muss man quadratisch denken. Sie nimmt Bilder im 6×6 Format auf. Nach gerade mal zwölf Bildern ist der Film voll, kein Vergleich zu den 36 Aufnahmen, die auf eine Rolle Kleinbildfilm passen. Die Kiev kommt mit austauschbaren Rückteilen. Dieses Feature ermöglicht es in der Mitte der Rolle einen anderen Film zu belichten.
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