Koya language - Wikipedia
Koya is a South-Central Dravidian language of the Gondi – Kui group spoken in central and southern India. It is the native language of the Koya people. It is sometimes described as a dialect of Gondi, but it is mutually unintelligible with Gondi dialects. [2][3]
Know Your Roots: Araku Valley Tribes and Their Languages
2025年2月18日 · Araku Valley, a picturesque hill station in the Eastern Ghats of Andhra Pradesh, is home to several indigenous tribal communities. These tribes have preserved their unique cultural heritage, traditions, and languages despite modern influences.
Kui language (India) - Wikipedia
Kui (also Kandha, Khondi, Khond, Khondo, Kanda, Kodu (Kōdu), Kodulu, Kuinga (Kūinga), Kuy) is a South-Central Dravidian language spoken by the Kandhas, eastern Indian state of Odisha. It is mostly spoken in Odisha, and written in the Odia script. With 941,988 registered native speakers, it figures at rank 29 in the 1991 Indian census. [3] .
Koya - South Asia Bibles
Koya is a South-Central Dravidian language of the Gondi–Kui group spoken in central and southern India. It is the native language of the Koya people. It is sometimes described as a dialect of Gondi, but it is mutually unintelligible with Gondi dialects.
夏尔巴语 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
夏尔巴语 是 喜马拉雅山麓 的 夏尔巴人 的母语,其使用范围主要分布在 尼泊尔 和 锡金 的夏尔巴人社群,在 中国 也有少数人使用。 根据调查,有200,000名使用者居住在尼泊尔(2001年),20,000名使用者在锡金(1997年),另有800人居住在 中国 西藏 (1994年)。 夏尔巴语是尼泊尔 东部发展区 以及 印度 锡金邦 的官方语言之一。 它与 几热尔语 最接近。 ^ Hammarström, Harald; Forkel, Robert; Haspelmath, Martin; Bank, Sebastian (编). Sherpa. Glottolog 2.7.
泰米尔语 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
淡米尔语[註 1] (தமிழ், 羅馬化:Tamiḻ)是一種有超過二千年歷史的 語言,屬於 达罗毗荼语系,通行於 印度 南部、 斯里蘭卡 東北部。 它是 泰米尔纳德邦 和 本地治里 的 官方語言 [3]。 …
With reference to India, the terms ‘Halbi, Ho and Kui’ pertain to
2021年10月10日 · Kui is a South-Eastern Dravidian language spoken by the Kandhas. It is mostly spoken in Odisha and written in the Odia script. According to the 2011 census the Odisha tribal population is 95,90,765. Odisha's tribal language is divided into 3 main language families.
泰卢固语 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
泰卢固语 (泰盧固語: తెలుగు, 國際音標: [ˈt̪eluɡu])是 印度 安得拉邦 、 特伦甘纳邦 的 官方语言,属于 达罗毗荼语系,是印度六大傳統語言之一。 泰卢固语是印度 泰卢固人 的语言,印度宪法承认的语言之一。 属达罗毗荼语系中部语族。 在印度的使用泰盧固語為母語的人數排名第三(7400萬为母语,总数8千万,2001年人口普查),居同语系各语言之首。 泰卢固语存在 元音和谐 [3][need illustrations] /æː/ 只出现在外来语中。 泰卢固语有两个双元音 ఐ [ai] and ఔ [au]. …
Languages of Andhra Pradesh - ExamBoard
2019年2月18日 · Andhra Pradesh is also home to some of the tribal languages of India such as Duruwa, Ollari, Gondi, Kui, Koya, Kuvi, Chenchu, Konda, Yerukula, and Muthvan. Telugu is the official language of Andhra Pradesh. It is one of the six classical languages of India, and largest spoken language in Southern Central Dravidian language tree.
KOYAS (Peasant Tribe) - adivasi.info
Koitur, Koyato, Koyi, Raj Koya Countries inhabited: India Language family: Dravidian Language branch: Gondi-Kui The Koyas are one of the few multi-lingual and multi-racial tribal communities living in India. They are also one of the major peasant tribes of Andhra Pradesh numbering 3.60 lakhs in 1981. Physically they are classified as Australoid.