Kuku's fault pls explain : r/DotA2 - Reddit
2022年10月9日 · The fact that you don't know the meme is kuku's fault. He played bad in SEA regional qual and 1st day of LCQ. So people start to believe t1 failure (not winning even with topson superb performace) is from kuku. As he is the one responsible for t1’s bad draft and low impact offlane. He looks better on day 2 of LCQ tho.
Kuku事件回顾:TNC用心险恶结果秀死自己_DOTA2_玩加社区 - 玩 …
2018年12月5日 · 随着Valve的公告,DOTA2战队TNC选手kuku辱华事件,终于有了一个最终的结局,kuku被Valve责令在重庆Major期间禁赛,而所在战队TNC也将被扣除20%的DPC积分。 从事件开始到现在,已经持续了一个月,这一事件究竟是怎样的来龙去脉,背后又有怎样的故事?中国玩家以及赛事方在这一过程中为捍卫国家和民族荣誉,又做了哪些努力?让我们回顾一下这一事件。 【从coL.Skem到TNC.kuku】 整个事件的开始,应该从本赛季第一个Minor,梦幻联赛第十 …
禁赛+罚款+扣分,DOTA2选手“辱华事件”始末_Kuku - 搜狐
2018年12月5日 · 但辱华事件并未就此结束,之后菲律宾战队TNC的一名选手kuku在游戏时在公屏中打出了“ching chong”侮辱华人玩家。 同时因为major举办地重庆的发音“chong qing”和辱华词语“ching chong”相近,被国外玩家在推特上无礼的混用,甚至口嗨嘲讽重庆major是ching …
Can the “kuku’s fault” copypasta stop? : r/DotA2 - Reddit
2022年10月10日 · Who is KUKU? For the mistake, He is the creator. For the fault, he is the maker. For the fall, he is the pusher. If KUKU thinks, it's KUKU's fault. If KUKU speaks, it's KUKU's fault. If KUKU has one fault, It's his. If KUKU has no fault, fault doesn't exist.
最全的DOTA2选手辱华事件始末,及V社和国内外网友的反应(12 …
4.V社Dota团队就近期官方赛事种族歧视事件发布声明. 四、结果. 1.TNC经理供认“罪行” 2.coL:EE、Sneyking离队,Skem被“板凳” 3.爆料 or 谣言? 4.Kuku处罚方案确定,将捐赠多场赛事所得一半. 5.TNC发推特,国外解说抱团抵制中国,PPD批评TNC
Kuku - Liquipedia Dota 2 Wiki
Carlo "Kuku" Palad (born September 21, 1996) is a Filipino player who is currently playing for Talon Esports.
如何看待 V 社对于 Dota2 辱华选手 kuku 做出的禁赛处罚? - 知乎
Valve严惩职业选手Kuku歧视国人事件:禁赛!-Dota,Valve ——快 …
2018年12月4日 · 具体来说, 在一次路人比赛中,Kuku在公屏打字“chingchong”,chingchong大意为清虫,是美国歧视亚裔的一个常用词汇。 在Kuku发布歧视言论后,其战队 TNC非但没有进行整改惩处,反而多次狡辩掩盖事实真相,并故意引起了国内Dota圈与欧美Dota圈之间的集体对抗。 此前Dota 2开发商Valve误认为TNC会对Kuku进行惩罚而一直保持沉默,在发现TNC一直误导自己后,近日,Valve终于发布了官方处罚结果。 具体来说, Valve决定禁止Kuku参加即将在重庆 …
Memes - Dota 2 Wiki
Kuku would also be occasionally be memed as the CEO of T1. "Kukumancer" is still a meme, particularly by the SEA community, and still sees moderate usage as of 2023. On the other hand, the current popular form of the "Kuku's fault" meme is a copypasta, often found in Twitch chat: Who is KUKU? For the mistake, He is the creator.
what no TI does to a man (kuku) : r/DotA2 - Reddit
2023年10月13日 · Dude posted something on Facebook about how he'll meme and also do the stupid tiktok live stream gimmicks. The notorious "hmmm ice cream, yum" repeat 🤣