Kulim Wood: A Versatile Medium Hardwood for Various …
2024年7月29日 · Kulim wood , known scientifically as *Scorodocarpus borneensis* (Olacaceae), is a notable wood species in Malaysia. Commonly referred to as “bawang hutan” in Sabah and …
Kulim (Scorodocarpus borneensis) - ITTO
It is a medium-sized to large tree, to 40 m tall, 80 cm in diameter. The bole is straight, up to 25 m, occasionally with small, low buttresses. It is found throughout lowland forests, occasionally …
Kulim|世界の有用木材7800種-英名で調べる|7-木材|木の情報発信 …
代表和名「バワンフタン」、代表英名「Bawang-hutan」。スキマ、ヒメツバキ、ボネルオボロボロノキ、Balau(ドイツ)、Damar laut、Kulim、Woodland onion 主たる分布 インドネシア …
MTC Wood Wizard
Also known as Bawan, Kasino, Kayu bawang, Kulim, Madudu and Sinduk (Indonesia); and Krathiam ton, Kuleng and Kulim (Thailand). The timber is a Medium Hardwood with a density …
Wood Identification - FRIM
Kulim: The Standard Malaysian Name for the timber of Scorodocarpus borneensis (Olacaceae). The timber is a medium hardwood with a density of 640–975 kg m –3 air dry. The sapwood is …
Kulim - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
Kulim, kayu bawang, atau bawang hutan (Scorodocarpus borneensis) adalah sejenis pohon kayu, anggota satu-satunya dari genus Scorodocarpus, famili Olacaceae. [4] Dinamai demikian, …
2. Wood characteristics: 3. Timber classification: Kulim Scorodocarpus horneensis. Medium-sized tree or rarely large reaching 36 m tall, 210 cm girth. Common throughout the country except …
Scorodocarpus Borneensis (Kulim) | The Wood Explorer
Learn all about Scorodocarpus Borneensis (Kulim) , including information on where to find it, distribution overview, and common uses. Find Out more!
Wood Identification - FRIM
Wood parenchyma exclusively apotracheal, as diffuse or as short and narrow tangential lines between the rays; sometimes in netlike formation (with a hand lens visibility of wood …
Mengenal Kayu Kulim: Pohon Bawang Hutan yang Unik dan Kuat …
Nama “kulim” diberikan karena pepagan dan kayunya mengeluarkan bau bawang yang kuat, menjadikannya unik di antara jenis-jenis kayu lainnya. Apa Itu Kayu Kulim ? Pohon kulim …
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