Qurs Kustha Qalai (60 tabs) by Hamdard at Madanapalas
2020年7月16日 · Hamdard Qurs Kushta Qalai is a Unani herbo-mineral medicine prepared from calx of tin. Kushta can be defined as the calcined product of any metal or mineral and Qalai is tin. So kushta qalai is calcined tin. Qurs Kushta Qalai is useful in treatment of spermatorrhoea, premature ejaculation, impotency, infertility, weakness of nerves and debility.
Qurs Kushta Qalai Hamdard (60tab) - Rabbani Unani
Hamdard Qurs Kushta Qalai is a Unani herbo-mineral medicine prepared from calx of tin. Kushta can be defined as the calcined product of any metal or mineral and Qalai is tin. So kushta qalai is calcined tin. Qurs Kushta Qalai is useful in treatment of spermatorrhoea, premature ejaculation, impotency, infertility, weakness of nerves and debility.
कुर्स कुश्ता कलई के फायदे, नुकसान, उपयोग विधि …
2016年7月12日 · कुर्स कुश्ता कलई, पुरुषों के लिए एक यूनानी दवा है। इस दवा का प्रयोग औस्रुशोन में प्रजनन स्वास्थ्य को अच्छा करने के लिए किया जाता है। यह पुरुषों की यौन समस्याओं जैसे की बांझपन (शुक्राणुओं की संख्या कम), अल्पशुक्राणुता, इरेक्टाइल डिसफंक्शन (ईडी), कामेच्छा में कमी और स्वप्नदोष में फायदेमंद है।.
Hamdard Kushta Qalaee 6 Gram | Uses | Side Effects - Dawaai
Hamdard Kushta Qalai is a powerful herbo-mineral medicine that is made from Calx of tin or Kushta Qalai. The calcined product of any metal or mineral is known as Kushta, and Qalai is tin. So calcined tin is kushta qalai.
Hamdard Kushta Qalai (10gm Each): Buy combo pack of 3.0 …
2025年2月11日 · Order Hamdard Kushta Qalai (10gm Each):combo pack of 3.0 bottles online at best price in India. Know Hamdard Kushta Qalai (10gm Each) price, specifications, benefits and other information only on 1mg.com.
Hamdard Qurs Khusta Qalai Tablets, Pack Of 2 - Amazon.in
This item: Hamdard Qurs Khusta Qalai Tablets, Pack Of 2. Sold by S and Co. and ships from Amazon Fulfillment. Sold by Fast Retails and ships from Amazon Fulfillment. These items are dispatched from and sold by different sellers. each tablet contain: kusta qalai 60 mg. Contains 1 pc. Qurs Khusta Qalai Pack Of 2 (60 No. each) Hamdard Laboratories.
Kushta Qali | کشتہ قلعی - Ashraf Labs
یعالج الضعف الجنسی و قلة لزوج المنی و سیلانہ و کثرة الاحتلام والانزال المبکر۔. 60-125 milligram in the early morning or afternoon with butter or “Majoon Ãrad Khurma”. For male health. Useful For sexual weakness, fluidity, spermaturia, excessive nocturnal emission and premature ejaculation.
Kushta Qali is a traditional Unani medicine that enhances male health by addressing sexual weakness, improving seminal fluid consistency, treating spermaturia, reducing excessive nocturnal emissions, and aiding in premature ejaculation. Recommended dosage is 60-125 milligrams, taken with butter or ‘Majoon Arad Khurma’.
Hamdard Qurs Kushta Qalai (60tab) PACK OF 10 - Flipkart
herbo-mineral medicine prepared from calx of tin. Kushta can be defined as the calcined product of any metal or mineral and Qalai is tin. 2 tablets with 5 grams Majun Arad Khurma and a glass of milk. Flipkart endeavors to ensure that the sellers provide accurate information about the products listed on the platform.
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Hamdard Qurs Kushta Qalai (60tab) – MOTISAW KIRANA STORE
Hamdard Qurs Kushta Qalai is an Unani herbs-mineral medicine prepared from calx of tin. Kushta can be defined as the calcined product of any metal or mineral and Qalai is tin. So kushta qalai is calcined tin.
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